Well, 我到安省网站上粗粗查了一下, 他们也是有一个五年的fee的, 不过不多, 好象是75$, 如果搬出安省还可以refund, 不清楚过了5年是不是还要交,
If you have moved to another province, state or country, you can request a refund on the unused portion of your driver's licence.
The following proof is needed to apply for a refund:
- A copy of your new driver's licence issued by the jurisdiction you are living in now, showing the date of issue; OR:
- A confirmation letter from the other jurisdiction's licensing authorities, confirming you are now a licensed driver in that province, state or country and the date that you surrendered your Ontario licence.
另外, 就算每天只5公里路, 有车还是要比坐车换地铁快多了, 再说有个车也是一种life style, 用的起的话不用省那么两钱. 象montreal就这么点儿size, 一般去市内哪都半小时以内, 不能跟toronto比, 那里人告诉我很近, 开车却要40分钟.
Post by Z!Z
我的那个朋友在北美开了15年车,出了2次事故, 自己的责任, 但比起魁省来,只算保费都已经是便宜了
记住,安省的驾照不用停,但这边你不停的话,要交96/年的 |