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一起说 餐馆冬季 促销活动

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-12 11:37 | 只看该作者
谢谢, 超级好主意哦!
小x羊  :eek:      - "自己带楼下买的小x羊火锅料" => 什么品牌好?辣或不辣? 再 自带加辣  :confused:  

- 细碟  :confused: 。 。 。 。 。 。 。  可不可以 加底(=+few$ for bigger plate)?
- 听说 例汤不错!  :p
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发表于 2009-1-12 12:22 | 只看该作者
Post by montrealpost
谢谢, 超级好主意哦!
小x羊 :eek: - "自己带楼下买的小x羊火锅料" => 什么品牌好?辣或不辣? 再 自带加辣 :confused:

- 细碟 :confused: 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 可不可以 加底(=+few$ for bigger plate)?
- 听说 例汤不错! :p

小x羊牌,兩种 辣的够辣, 先用半包 再加. 还有清汤的. .
加底不知道, 未试过.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-12 19:10 | 只看该作者


Issued about 2 or 3 times/yr., ~Jan+Sept.   A "$39 off" coupon book was distributed last week.

Don't see the $2 burgers like last time, hence not using any this time.  :p  I don't know details about following, but more about McDonald's Gift Cards at http://www.mcdonalds.ca/en/McdonaldsCard/index.aspx.
Or call McDonald's main switchboard at:  (514) 685-4411

From: http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=610077
Post by canaintex


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-13 08:52 | 只看该作者

四海食府 - 北方菜/川菜 特价套餐

不是冬季促销, "新"推出的套餐。

没写多少人的套餐, $39.99/$59.99/$79.99/$119.99。主食可选 水饺/手擀面/葱油饼/蛋炒饭。比唐人街 其他广式的餐馆 更特色点。 评论看 http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=595729。

四海食府 - 1051 St Laurent, (514) 861-7413 (营业时间 11-23:00)
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-18 12:14 | 只看该作者

McDonald, Coffee+Muffin everyday special

Had coffee with friend at Snowdon MTR the other day.  Friend said the Tim Horton there is not very good.  Both soup and coffee were not hot enough.

Mr. MP tried Tim Horton muffin and said it's not much better than McDonald's.   

So, for McDonald's
Small Coffee + Muffin=> $1.39+T => $1.57
Medium Coffee + Muffin=> $1.xxT => $1.76
Big Coffee + Muffin=> $1.xx+T => ~$1.99

Depends on which McDonald u go to, free coffee refill:
Snowdon MTR  = ONCE only
Berri MTR = No refill (both St. Catherine + St. Denis)
Atwater Shopping Center = unlimited refills
Post by fai
Personally I find McDonald's muffin and coffee not bad. $1.39 with a medium coffee and a big muffin so worth it. :p
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-19 08:56 | 只看该作者

Le Bifthèque

朋友最喜欢他家的 Prime Rib(Roast Prime Rib of Beef “Au Jus”),         通常他们称之为 Roast Beef。 我只挂念他家的 Onion Blossom,  一大盘的炸洋葱,看起来像一束花。
通常,他们在报纸上刊登促销广告, 有时在市中心 派发宣传单张。MP现在不知道 有什么促销, 网上写 Prime Rib $13.95+TT, French Cut Rack of Lamb $18.95+TT, Jan. 14-20. 不像是什么的大特价。

但看上了他家肉店的外卖(提供送货), T-Bone $5.99/lb. (8-18lbs  :frown: ), Lean Ground Beef $1.89/lb。 (*全部是生肉*)
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发表于 2009-1-22 11:23 | 只看该作者
Post by montrealpost
喜来居, 5255 Queen-Mary, (514) 481-2828

* The ex-chef of 南岸紫迎轩 started 喜来居 on his own, previously on St- Denis.
* Location is good, near Snowdon MTR; great for those who need parking.

- 京鸭3吃 => good quality
- if 京鸭特价 $28.80 到1月25日 => definitely worth trying
*** sold out too quick, call to reserve first=常常卖完 , 要预定 ***

Thanks to  info from 以诚相待,!

请问"喜来居" 是怎样风格口味的餐厅? 京鸭的价格貌似不便宜,那其它菜如何呢?
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-22 12:38 | 只看该作者
"请问"喜来居" 是怎样风格口味的餐厅?" ==> 广东菜

"京鸭的价格貌似不便宜," ==> Believe the 特价 $28.80 is for 京鸭3吃, definitely great price.  Read comments by 以诚相待, 176/177/178/181/184楼 @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=417143

"那其它菜如何呢?" ==> I don't know, my friends say it's pretty good.

A group of my friends from South Shore go there ~once a month, ever since it opened on St. Denis.  They had invited me but I've never gone, as I don't go out in evenings.  That group doesn't like going to Chinatown due to parking problem.  Buffet ~$18.95/21.95, 其它菜可能不便宜, ask them price for #人合菜 before u make reservation.

Don't forget to reserve duck if any of u are going, sold out quickly.  Happy new year!
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发表于 2009-1-29 16:55 | 只看该作者
要小心,tim horton的咖啡添加了太多的香精。咖啡还是starbucks好喝,就是贵!次一点就是魁老爱喝的second cup。。。当然要是运气好,能碰上上乘的home made小店(包括有些意大利人开的)。。。。我现在就煮咖啡去。。。。
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发表于 2009-1-30 14:54 | 只看该作者


Post by shangyou
要小心,tim horton的咖啡添加了太多的香精。咖啡还是starbucks好喝,就是贵!次一点就是魁老爱喝的second cup。。。当然要是运气好,能碰上上乘的home made小店(包括有些意大利人开的)。。。。我现在就煮咖啡去。。。。
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