sorry i am wrong, 9 @% C! f2 y# y# l4 H% n, v ( f9 d7 f7 x( H% X5 q' g
"The most significant of the changes have dealt with the language of legislation (now issued in both English and French), access to English schools (enlarged to guarantee access to English school to all those that have received their education in English in Canada), and with the language of signs (where English is now acceptable provided that French be given priority). " 9 t! `% K8 B! l0 g: T/ S . t1 r% C( K0 s- b. ~& m \所以你孩子可以上英文学校. + g- z4 y9 y/ U( u7 }
Post by VVMM E3 u! j0 E* p' R2 R! X* F 不管是外省外国, 只要不是QC的英语教育, 都得去上法语学校. 不过前两年也有人打赢官司不去上法语学校的.
( @& u: e4 ^$ l5 Z5 H, \9 l9 [- Z3 \3 s* X3 d8 C6 U
However, your child can go to English school on temporary basis, if you can demonstrate that your stay in <st1:place u1:st="on"><st1:state u1:st="on">Quebec</st1:state></st1:place> is temporary (e.g. job contract and so on). You can renew it if your job is renewed.<o:p></o:p>