Post by icomeout;2767236
两年读完在别的省连PAB都当不上,三年的好歹还让你补点儿课算个本科BRN,魁瓜有时候不负责,他们假定你读完不会到别的省去,因此不存在替你考虑去美国或其他省份发展的情况.再看看英语的学校,除了JOHN ABBOTT有强化课外,其他两所均没有两年课程,而JB的强化课是在你已经是助理护士,或是已经有从业经历,再或是你所有公共课都已全部修完的情况下才让读的.并非为了加速就设置一个两年班.
We do not offer intensive course. In case you are going to work outside of Quebec.They are going to evaluate your clinical and theory hours that you had in school in Quebec and then make a determination. But be aware that they are usually requiring equivalent to the BSN for licensure there and more than likely you will still need to complete their course in order to fullfill their requirements . Intensive course can not provide enough courses and clinical hours that they required and theire evaluation is stricter than they are in the Quebec for licensure.
As for experience, they put more into what you have done during school, unless you have significant experience as an RN. they would wait until you get their evaluation and to see if you are approved to sit for their licensing exam before you move there
Post by kiki&coby;113733