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发表于 2009-3-30 08:49 | 只看该作者
i agree with you except the part in red. personnaly i prefer the melting pot idea than multiculturalism. i do not think canada adopted this police itself, but becaseu of the noise made by french canadian in the begining.
i beleive multiculturalism produces divisions, hostility and conflict instead of uniting everybody together. that is what happening in the west after post modern time, everybody beleives they have the truth, in the end, there is no truth anymore.
i don't think it is the progress for a socity to promote guy, abortion rights and legalize maranuna, as they are agaisnt humanitity and wrong. it is the shame for our society.
in order to be political correct, nobody dares to say "marry christmas" in the public from political leader (except PM Harper). i found that is the backward for canada.
americans are more united and patriotic as you can see lots of national flags flying everywhere. they feel it is their home and they are pround of being americans
do you feel you blong to canada?
Post by xiaodoudou;2195026
我也不同意您的中美政治半斤八两的观点. 政府里都有黑暗, 可政体,两个性质完全不同.

要知道, 科技, 它直接反映政治和文化. 中国近代科技不发达, 当然也是政治和文化使然. 我明白您想要说的是: 中国有她深厚的文化精华, 但我请问您: 有多少老百姓知道老子, 庄子? 中国现实生活中有多少人在受益我们的文化? 有几个知道增广意经,等等? 我都不知道, 我们的国家语文课, 都在教些什么, 既不是优秀的中国文化, 也不是西方History of Enlightment!

美国, 目的是要成功. 美国也是想成功人们的梦, 因为她鼓励和相信人人平等, 并鼓励人们为之努力. 目的是成功, 这就决定她必须凝聚和统一大多数人的思想和行为. 文化意识当然也就是先驱. 可以说, 为了达到成功的目的, 美国文化和宗教是较单一的,较集中的, 较排外的. 就象欧洲早期的思巴达. 步调一致, 才能成功. 美国是世界强国(it IS in deep economic shit, but its political system, of which the foundation is laid by its great ancestors, will save America again), 确实, 人文方面就不如加拿大了.

加拿大就如古欧洲与思巴达同期的雅典, 注重的是平衡, 保留的是人类高尚的对弱势群体的同情和体恤, 选择的是给予民众更多的自由(包括GUY RIGHT), 容纳不同文化之音乐,艺术,习俗, 和保护可能在北美面临危机的法语文化和仅存的土著文化. 其实加拿大, 是人文更为发展和先进的国家, 尽管她的经济不如其他一些国家超前. 在选择人民的自由安康和一味追求超前之间, 加拿大选择前者, 是我们的福份. 我欣赏美国精神, 可是认为加拿大更为明智和慈善! 更爱加拿大多元的语言文化艺术, 自由的宗教信仰!当然, 很不幸的是, 雅典最后被思巴达消灭了! 我可不希望美国将来消灭加拿大(美国发烧, 加拿大也头疼!), 所以, 还是爱加拿大吧! 理解加拿大, 临处美国要保住自己的文化是多末地不容易! 不然, 加拿大会被美国同化, 天天吃HAMBURGERS!( 开玩笑了!)

加拿大, 更适合移民生存和发展, 特别是QUEBEC! 因为她的宽容, 平衡和慈爱!QUEBEC的QUIET REVOLUTION, 是加拿大少数民族(FRENCH)为争取自己权利和地位的斗争, 也为加拿大其他少数民族移民们的生存和发展奠定了基础, 使加拿大成为世界上少有的文化容纳程度极大的国家! 希望中国的移民们看清自己现在的国家和省份, 珍惜加拿大代代努力的结果, 尊重FRENCH为多元文化所做的贡献, 并为之添砖加瓦!

很高兴将来能有机会认识您本人, 能一起做事那就更是感情!!如果真心, 在适当的时候, 给个认识方法.

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发表于 2009-3-30 09:10 | 只看该作者
Post by tjquebec;2195142

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发表于 2009-3-30 10:18 | 只看该作者
各位难道一点都不想念中国,不想念家乡吗?就冲着我们一点对家乡的眷恋之情,也不能忘本到去舔别人屁股啊。this is a insult for every overseas chinese, including yourself. you are slaming yourself by saying that. don't tell us you wanted to marry your western husband, it is simply becasue he is "handsome", but has nothing to do with his charactors, which deeply rooted in western cultural envoirment he grew up.

these are empty words. what do you expect us to do? write the paper in chinese in school; answer the boss in maderin at work... you are mixing the concepts here. i love my parents, but it is not necesarily they are always right and i have to listen to them. this is exatly what you did to your parent as you mentioned in your prevous posts.
我并不是不爱加拿大。我只是更爱中国而已, 那里有我的爸爸妈妈,外公外婆,我从小玩大的朋友,家乡的绿水青山。加拿大再好,终归不是我从小长大的地方。
this is culture superiorism.

i guess you only speak chinese at home. otherwise, i can only call this behavour childish.
Post by yelenia;2194894



这个帖子里的人们,一直在批判我见识短浅,认为我觉得中国文化还有大价值,中国还有灿烂的明天,是井底之蛙的缘故。各位,我为什么还没走掉,一次次出来回复呢? 要自强实在该有这样的态度,百折不回才是。我并不是不爱加拿大。我只是更爱中国而已。那里有我的爸爸妈妈,外公外婆,我从小玩大的朋友,家乡的绿水青山。加拿大再好,终归不是我从小长大的地方。


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发表于 2009-3-30 10:28 | 只看该作者
Post by mfeous;2195215
i agree with you except the part in red. personnaly i prefer the melting pot idea than multiculturalism. i do not think canada adopted this police itself, but becaseu of the noise made by french canadian in the begining.
i beleive multiculturalism produces divisions, hostility and conflict instead of uniting everybody together. that is what happening in the west after post modern time, everybody beleives they have the truth, in the end, there is no truth anymore.
i don't think it is the progress for a socity to promote guy, abortion rights and legalize maranuna, as they are agaisnt humanitity and wrong. it is the shame for our society.
in order to be political correct, nobody dares to say "marry christmas" in the public from political leader (except PM Harper). i found that is the backward for canada.
americans are more united and patriotic as you can see lots of national flags flying everywhere. they feel it is their home and they are pround of being americans
do you feel you blong to canada?

You are allowed to have your opinions. I can see that we have very different value preference. I didn't say that it is the progress for a society to promote guy, legalize Mariuana, etc., yet, deadly true, that the advanced society is the one which allows its people to be whom they are and whom they want to be while guiding them with results of scientific research and human history and trying to keep a balance between personal and national values.

Mr.M. when you explain your opinions, please just be careful not to put words into my mouth.

It will be too long and impossible to persuade people to agree with me. Again, 仁者见仁, 智者见智. 各抒己见.

I will choose Canada as my country soon after 9 years of being with her. I belong to wherever reasons are and whatever that represents advancement,  positive construction and wherever healthiness and happiness are!
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发表于 2009-3-30 10:45 | 只看该作者


Post by mfeous;2195314
各位难道一点都不想念中国,不想念家乡吗?就冲着我们一点对家乡的眷恋之情,也不能忘本到去舔别人屁股啊。this is a insult for every overseas chinese, including yourself. you are slaming yourself by saying that. don't tell us you wanted to marry your western husband, it is simply becasue he is "handsome", but has nothing to do with his charactors, which deeply rooted in western cultural envoirment he grew up.

these are empty words. what do you expect us to do? write the paper in chinese in school; answer the boss in maderin at work... you are mixing the concepts here. i love my parents, but it is not necesarily they are always right and i have to listen to them. this is exatly what you did to your parent as you mentioned in your prevous posts.
我并不是不爱加拿大。我只是更爱中国而已, 那里有我的爸爸妈妈,外公外婆,我从小玩大的朋友,家乡的绿水青山。加拿大再好,终归不是我从小长大的地方。
this is culture superiorism.

i guess you only speak chinese at home. otherwise, i can only call this behavour childish.
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发表于 2009-3-30 11:27 | 只看该作者

美国,也就仰视起来, 所以买东西就买美国的吧。需要电脑,就从戴尔公司订购一台电脑,咱不能结绳记事而不用电脑啊。买来以后,还没来得及仰视,就见电脑上写着Made in China.

后来,买了上Nike鞋, 因为是美国品牌,没穿之前, 总的仰视一番,抬眼望去,却见Made in China.

再后来,遇到了一个黄皮肤,黑眼睛的人,刚叫声同胞,他说,I am American. 一听是美国人,立马仰视起来,说,I am sorry, I think you are Chinese. 他说,Never mind, my parents are Chinese. 我一听,去他妈的,中国人是美国人的爹,还仰视个屁啊。

Post by xianren;2194323


刚到加拿大不久时开车从蒙特利尔去波士顿,说实话,到美国的第一印象,除了公路 比加拿大好以外,没有觉得美国怎么地。但是,这几年来随着做生意跟北美社会打交道的深入,从本公司使用的最先进的美国通信系统到帐务系统,到朋友与美国生物医学领域的交道,美国,其科技领域的成就,不得不令每一位尊重科学崇尚技术的人士所仰视,所折服。




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发表于 2009-3-30 12:32 | 只看该作者
如果你要是遇见房明祖, 你是否又找一个美国的爹? .....
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发表于 2009-3-30 18:38 | 只看该作者
we agree on disagree; i did not put words in your mouth, instead i just wanted to make a point. please explain what you meant: 确实, 人文方面就不如加拿大了.

canada's history is boring and you can barely to find any well known writers, painters.....; quebec is the worst place in north america in terms of culture tolarence.

i don't know how you came up that arguement.
Post by xiaodoudou;2195328
You are allowed to have your opinions. I can see that we have very different value preference. I didn't say that it is the progress for a society to promote guy, legalize Mariuana, etc., yet, deadly true, that the advanced society is the one which allows its people to be whom they are and whom they want to be while guiding them with results of scientific research and human history and trying to keep a balance between personal and national values.

Mr.M. when you explain your opinions, please just be careful not to put words into my mouth.

It will be too long and impossible to persuade people to agree with me. Again, 仁者见仁, 智者见智. 各抒己见.

I will choose Canada as my country soon after 9 years of being with her. I belong to wherever reasons are and whatever that represents advancement, positive construction and wherever healthiness and happiness are!
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发表于 2009-3-30 20:02 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2009-3-31 10:43 | 只看该作者
Post by mfeous;2195837
we agree on disagree; i did not put words in your mouth, instead i just wanted to make a point. please explain what you meant: 确实, 人文方面就不如加拿大了.

canada's history is boring and you can barely to find any well known writers, painters.....; quebec is the worst place in north america in terms of culture tolarence.

i don't know how you came up that arguement.

Life is what we see it to be! I agree that the history of US is much more interesting and inspiring than that of Canada. I feel very happy and encouraged because of different cultures as well such as French in Quebec so that we can see things this way and that way, enjoy life this way AND that way!! French culture is so fine and interesting!!!! Of course, English Canadians need Quebec to identity themselves, otherwise, they are plain Canadian English, which is very fine with me! Boring? Are you living here in Canada? If yes, make it interesting then! No? Quebec worse? I find it is very admirable and inspiring to know about the history of Quebec! I am proud of Quebecois and what they have achieved in the last few decades so that Quebec has become an equally important and VERY interesting province in Canada! By the way, do you speak French, do you know and are you willing to know about them? Maybe not, but it doesn't matter. Your negative opinions about the place where you live will not affect others, yet it will affect your life itself.
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