they also sell the "Yves Rocher " the same price as the store, however that store often gives 50% discount.
hehe, they probably sell to those people can pay from their private health insurance.
Post by lulu.liu;2199122
真是奸商,卖的东西一点都不便宜, 甚至比正常retail price还高。biotherm aquasource 50ml 全新的在商场里是$44, 你还卖$45, 还是unboxed, 一看就知道是从年会掏出来的礼盒分开卖 (因为卖得洗面乳和爽肤水都不是正装)。 洗面乳50ml卖$10, 爽肤水125ml卖$16, 再加上护肤霜$44, 这都$70了, 要知道这一套在年会上也就卖$29. 不光如此, 你还在网上胡报价格: biotherm aquasource 50ml 的retail price什么时候变成$50了? 还假惺惺在这价格上减去10%, 让人觉得占了多大便宜似的。 clinique的黄油retail本来是就是$31, 而且还是带pump的,你这款没pump的retail也就$29, 到你这就变$35了。 几乎每一种商品都耍了这种小聪明,你忽悠前途不明亮阿
对了, 提醒你一下, 礼盒的东西都是不能单独卖的, 你自己看着办 |