sorry, ruined your game
Level 1
Click on the poster of the girl to have it. Look under the pillow to get a key
to the locker. Use the key one of the lockers to open it. Get a screwdriver out
of the box. Use the screwdriver on the painting on the right to get a screw. Now
slide the poster under the door. Use the screw on the keyhole. It will drop the
door key from the other side. Once you pull back the poster, you will get the
key. Open the door.
Level 2
Look closely on top of the bookcase to get a floppy disk case. Open the door on
the left. Exam the lower right corner of the strange flag to get a pin. Use the
pin on the floppy disk case to get a floppy. Now exam the computer and put the
floppy disk into the floppy drive. Turn on the computer and get the code to
unlock the door of the room to your right.
Level 3
Put the empty disk case on the huge rat hole on the right next to the door. Open
the door on the right and you will see a rat head. Realize you can rotate each
of the tiles 90 degrees each time you click on them. Your goal is to make a
connection from the upper right rat hole to the left one of the room. If your
line is too close to you, the rat won’t follow it. I did mine this way. Rotate
the tile connecting rat hole the rat goes into (bottom right) three times. Then
the tile just left to it one time. The one just left to it one time. The one
just left to it three times. The rat should come out. Go back to the previous
room, click on the disk case to catch the rat head. Go back to the tiled the
room and turn off the light by clicking the light switch next to the door. Grab
the three losen tiles on the wall. Back to the previous room. Double click the
very right tip (the round knob) of the walk bridge to left it up. Slide the
three losen tiles into the glass box. You must click on the opening of the glass
to insert. (It’s hard to see; it’s right above green part of the glass box below
the transparent part.) Now you need to match the tiles in the glass box so the
paths align. (Click on the left one twice, middle one once, right one twice.)
Grab the rat head and put it in the glass box. It moves around the unlocks the
door. Now click on the chair and click on the left tip knob of the walk bridge
to lower it. Go thru the door.
Level 4
Go to the room to your left. Grab the fire wood from the fire place. Click on
the security panel next to the door to get a triangle piece. Back to the
previous room, then the room to your right. You see a big machine. Right under
the laser tip is a place holder. Place the fire wood into the place holder and
turn on the machine by clicking the green piece. It lit the wood and grab it
back. Go back to the room with the fire place and put the burning fire wood into
the fire place. Go back to the machine and this time put the triangle piece into
the place holder. It will cut it into many smaller pieces. Grab all the pieces
and head back to the locked door. Examine the security panel. Place the pieces
in the right order to unlock the door. (Note: there are two different
arrangement for the pieces, both would fit in correctly but only one leaves an
opening for the line to go through. Make sure your rearrange your pieces in a
different way if the first didn’t work.)
Level 5
Push the box that has "this side up" on the bottom, then push the cabinet to
reach another room. The key pad (the Intellilock) next to the door is where you
have some fun. Here’s a guide for you from the MOTAS forum.
1st - Only one of the faces is frowning instead of smiling.
2nd - One consonant, others are vowels.
3rd - One circle, other figures have corners/angles on them.
4th - One odd number in a group of even numbers.
5th - All the asterisk figures have an even amount of spikes, except one.
6th - Duh! Try to guess which one breaks the line.
7th - B for blue, G for green, R for red and W for white. Just that you don’t
even need that info. Just one ’W’ letter has a small notch in it...
8th - All of the figures are made from 3 ’sticks’, except one which has four.
9th - There is only one of each letters, except P. You can choose either one,
both work.
10th - Every one is a clean circle, except one that is a hexagon.
11th - Each figure has a curve and a straight line, except one that has two
12th - Every horizontal line shoould have four colors, in order of red, green,
blue and yellow. One line has two greens, pick the one green that breaks the
13th - Every half of each symmetrical figure touches the other half from one
pint only. One of the figures has the halves in contact at two points.
14th - Each figure has three thick lines and one thin line. In one figure the
thin line is on the horizontal ones, in others it’s either of the vertical ones.
15th - Every acronym is an internet acronym, except one that is a company.
16th - Clockwise, the colours go red, blue, yellow, green. Pick the one that has
the colours in a counter clockwise pattern.
17th - Pick the one that you can’t see on a normal (six sided) die.
18th - Pick the puzzle piece that doesn’t fit with it’s neighbours.
19th - Same as 16th. Except there are eight colours per square yellow, red,
blue, green, light blue, violet, gray, orange(ish). Pick the one that has the
colourpattern going counter clockwise again.
20th - All the figures are identical, except one that has the blades set in a
different way.
21st - One of the figures is rotated slightly, so that it stands on two corners
instead of one.
22nd - One of these does not equal ten.
23rd - The numbers are a sequence,(lack of english skills strikes now... I don’t
know how to say this in words. I need to go practice mathematic terms...) 2^0,
2^1, 2^2, 2^3, ... , 2^10, 2^11? but one of the numbers is wrong.
24th - Only one of the pie slices has a 90-degree angle in it.
25th - Every picture is the same, just rotated in a different position, except
one that is a mirrored image of the others.
26th - There might be a better explanation for this... Only one of the figures
is composed of a single piece without any anglesin it. (Yeah, this one can be
described in a ton of different ways.)
27th - Each figure has two ones and two zeros, except one.
After you are done, you will find the door is still locked. Now go back to the
previous room. Push back the cabinet, push back the box, and get the hidden key
in the small panel where the cable connects to. Use the key on the locked door.
WOOHOO, another room!
Level 6
Examine the welcome mat to realize that a key is fell thru the grating. Go to
the room to the right. Check the radio to get two batteries. Open the curtains
to find a broken flash light. Place the batteries into the flash light. You will
find that the flash light is still not working. It’s actually missing a
lightbulb. Guess where you can find one (this one is so not obvious). Anyway,
grab a screwdriver from the cabinet on the right. Now you can go back to the
previous room to screw out a lightbulb from the motorcycle’s headlights. Put the
lightbulb into the flash light, it’s finally working! Now remove the green
carpet in the middle of the room and you will see four tiles. I don’t remember
the exact pattern I did the tiles, but your goal is to click on them so at the
end all of them fall. Put the fire hose down the opening and climb down. Now
this is where your work fixing that flash light pays off coz otherwise you won’t
be able to see a thing! So use the flash light, you will find there’s another
room to the left. The door key is hidden at the lower left corner of the new
room. It’s actually easy to find I think. Grab it and we will move on
Level 7
Ok, this is probably the most confusing room in the game coz it’s BIG! Anyway
your goal here is to open all the colored wheeled rooms (blue, green, red) and
then reach the tele-transporter. Go to the room to the left and examine the
painting with the wheel to have the blue wheel. Realize there’s a letter on the
table, read it and get freaked out j/k. Go back to the previous room and put the
blue wheel in the left most pipe, go up the elevator and get the green wheel
from the first drawer of the cabinet in the room to the right. Go down, put the
green wheel on the right most pipe. Back to the room where you got the green
wheel, and go down the hole on the right.
After you are in the room with the mailbox, go up a hole thru the ladder. Now
you will see a room with two holes and space (yeah right). First check the right
drawer to get a pen, then go down to the right hole. Get the piece of paper on
the desk.
Now go back to the very first room where you found the letter to Dr. Druid, put
the paper on top of the letter, use the pen to trace it. Mail the letter to
where you saw the mail box. Wait a couple of seconds and check the in-box, you
should get a red wheel. Go back to the room where you connected the blue and
green wheels, connect the red wheel. Now go into the red room (the room right to
where you got the thin paper), go up the hole and find a floppy disk in the
locker of the new room. Go into the next room to your right, you should see a
tele-transporter. Put the floppy in the floppy drive on the upper right corner.
Realize when you click on the three smaller colored wheels, the big wheel on the
tele-transporter will change color. Your goal is to get it to be grey. Here’s
how you do it. Click on the small wheels in this order: red, green, (change to
cyan) blue, green (change to purple), blue, red (change to grey) Now go check
the panel inside of the tele-transporter. It said it’s "waiting for user input".
Well, you must WALK IN in order to ride ride it right? So WALK INTO the
tele-transporter You will see a pair of walking feet.
Leve 8
Get the screwdriver, now check the panel on the upper right. All you have to do
is some simple math (hint: 8+16=24). Just select the numbers that add up to the
number shown above, multiple times. After the panel opens, go to the room on the
right, click on the pot, you see a xmas tree. Nothing important about the tree.
Go to the right room, click on the painting on the right wall. Use the screw
driver on the grating. Go into the new room to get the clock weights at right
from the clock. Go back to the first room where the poster of a woman is. Click
on the green button. the wall should move. Go the room at left and put the clock
weights onto the string on the upper right of the force field. You must pull the
string down first. Now grab the chess piece. Take the chess piece to where you
saw the clock. First put it on the pedestal. Then you need to follow the
blinking square. (Remember the the horse always moves like "L". And it can move
horizontally or vertically.) You must move your horse so it reaches the blinking
square quite a few times before it will reach into the door. Then, the chess
piece will be locked. After that, go back to where the xmas tree is, the force
field blocking one of the doors is now gone. The door is to the right but in
front of the one you just came out of. Enter it and get the suit in the door #1,
enter the chamber on the right. That’s the end of level 8!
Level 9
Wow, you are in outer space! Eek, scary alien! Go to the canbinet behide of the
alien to get a key. Go to the room to the right (where the note is posted) and
use the key to open the cabinet at right. In there you will find a floppy disk
and a triangle piece. The right most high voltage is not connected. The triangle
piece looks like metal, maybe you can connect it with that? Yes put the triangle
piece there. Walk out and realize you have opened the second door on the right.
Go in there and see something similiar to level 2, an ancient computer! But
before you do anything with the computer, first get the key from the cabinet at
right. Go open the locker between the two doors outside of this room. After you
opened the locker, click inside of the locker and it says ’the code scratched in
the metal reads "QUEST"’. This should be meaningful. Now go back to the room and
put the floppy in the computer and return it on (click on the power button). It
asks you for a command. Boy could it be "QUEST"? After you entered the command,
you still see familiar layouts of previous levels but with letters attached to
each of them. This is a unscramble the letters game. Try making words of these
letters. The most common ones are: east, ward, great. If you have successfully
entered the words, it will say at the bottom of the screen: I hope I unlocked
the door. Wee, the glass door to the right of the computer is indeed unlocked.
Go in there. Keep going to the other room and get the key from the cabinet at
left. Go into the room at right and click to go through the first door. If
there is a door in front of you, use your key and go through the door, if not go
back to the room with the machine in and click it once again. Door two will now
be open, check room two for a door. If it is not there keep doing the same
method as before for the rest of the doors until you find the room with the door
leading to the next level.
Level 10
Go to the room at left and grab the key and the ball from the cabinet. You also
see a very strange statue. You can’t do much with it right now. Just leave and
room and go upstairs. Use the key to open one of the locker and grab the red
card. Go back the room you got the key and ball. Use the red card on the green
circle on the statue to lower the stuff the two guys are holding. Zoom in and
it’s a puzzle. Your goal is to get each color block to match the color stripe on
the border. Try this on your own first! Here’s a way to do it in 11 steps:
1. click on the outer red block at lower right.
2. click on the outer red block at lower left.
3. click on the outer green block at upper left.
4. click on the outer red block at upper right.
5. click on the outer red block at lower right.
6. click on the outer green block at lower left.
7. click on the inner yellow block at lower left to expand it.
8. click on the inner yellow block at lower right to move it left.
9. click on the inner green block at upper right.
10. click on the outer red block at upper right to shrink it.
11. click on the outer red block at upper left to move it.
Zoom out, use the red card on the green circle again to raise the puzzle. Click
on the black button in the middle. It’s the safe button. Woohoo, another key ^_^
Use the key on the middle door outside of the room to get to yet another level.
Level 11
Go to the room at right. It’s a pool room. Keep going right, a dining area. Eek
evil looking spider. You can play around with it. I will be scared to see a real
life spider as big as that! Thankfully it has no major importance in the game.
Keep going right and grab the chalk from the black board in the next room. Also
grab the screwdriver and a key from the cabinet at lower left. Go back to the
first room in the level. Use the key to open the chest at lower right. You get
money! Hehe what could you do with the coin? How about play some pool? If you
put the white ball on the pool table and put the coin in the coin slot, you will
be playing a pool game. But before you begin, you might to take better care of
your stick. Maybe apply the chalk on the tip of your stick will give it a better
performance. What do you think? ^_^ If you make all the balls go down the holes,
you will get something special. (To play the pool, move your cursor around to
change the angle of your stick. Hold down the mouse button to shoot.) But if you
miss it totally, you can go grab more coins from the chest you opened. *A TRICK*
If you aim at the right hole as if you were going to shoot the white ball into
the hole, you can get both the blue and red balls into the holes at one shot.
After you win the pool game, a key originally stuck has shown up in the slot.
That key will open the locked door in the room where you got the chalk. That is
end of the level 11.
Level 12
This area is quite huge and confusing. Your first job is to solve the "green
wall" challenge in the room to your right. In order to move the wall back to
reveal two more doors, you need to turn all but only four or fewer lights on the
wall to green. If you ever play turn on lights game, you should know the rule.
Basically if you click on one light, the middle light as well as the lights
surrounding it will change their states. If the light is on, it will be turned
off and vice versa. At first glance this looks very hard. Fortunately there is
a trick to this. You want to turn the lights on column by column. There are 11
rows of lights in each column. Starting with the first column, click on row
number 2, 5, 8, and 11. Then go to column 3 and click on row number 1, 3, 4,
6,7, 9, and 10. See your goal is to turn all the unlight ones in the column 2.
Are you getting a hang of it yet? If not, let’s do one more. Go to column 4 and
click on row number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. You should be able to do this
on your own now. But here’s a diagram of all the buttons I clicked.
x = click, - = no click, do it from left to right, top to bottom.
row 01| - - x - x x - x x x x x
row 02| x - - x x x x x - - - x
row 03| - - x x x x - - x - x x
row 04| - - x x x - x x - x x -
row 05| x - - x - - x x - x - -
row 06| - - x x x - - - x x x -
row 07| - - x x x - - x x x x -
row 08| x - - x - - - x x x - -
row 09| - - x x x x - - x - x x
row 10| - - x x - x - x x - x x <- wall should move now
row 11| x - - - - x x x - x - /
TIPS: If you clicked a wrong button, click the same wrong button again to undo
your mistake. If you really screwed up, get back to the previous room and then
return here and the wall will be reset.
Go to the newly released door to the left and examine the shelf on the left to
obtain a lightbulb. Then go to the newly released door on the right. Obtain a
wire-cutter from the cabinet on the upper right. Click on the cabinet in the
lower right to move it. A trap door is revealed. Walk in there. In the new
room, click on the wrinkle on the rug/carpet to flatten it. Move the chair over
and now you can stand on the chair to reach the lamp to obtain a key. Put the
lightbulb in the desk lamp to the right. Click on its power button to turn it
on. Click on the lamp’s head to move it up and down. It will reveal a number
code on the wall. Make sure you get all the digits (there should be 8). I’d
recommend you write the 8-digit number down for later use. Click on the locker
to the north of the deak lamp to reveal another trap door but the passage is
locked for now. Go back to the green wall room and take the door on the lower
right. Despite its crowdness, there’s a hidden passage here, can you reveal it?
To do so, first click on the table where the alarm clock sits. Then the taped
white box to its left. Then the brown stand in the back, the stand with the
green plant on it. Lastly the bed. Enter the newly revealed passage. In the
new area, go into the door on the right. Hit the red button and leave the room.
Move forward in the hallway and go into the room on the left. Use the
screwdriver on the left most panel to open the bottom of the security system.
Apply the wire-cutter to cut the green wire inside. Get out of the room and you
can now move forward for one more time. Go into the room to your right. Use
the key to open the cabinet on the right to get another key and a screwdriver.
Now look closely at the window like part to your left. There’s a small black
triangle where it meets the ceiling. Click on it to reveal another hidden
passage. Instead of going up, leave the room and go back to the first room where
you hit the red button. Now hit the blue button. After you leave the room this
time, click on the shelf to your left in the hallway to move it. After it slides
under the opening in the ceiling. Go through it and you are back to the crowded
room with the alarm and the plant. Go to the green wall room and take the door
to the upper right. Then right again. You are in the room where you got the key
from the ceiling lamp. The hidden passage you revealed earlier is now
unblocked. Take it and you are back in a familiar room. Walk out the room and
move forward. You are in front of a vending machine. Some coke would be nice
but it’s more important to the open the door eh? Go to the room to your left.
Enter the 8-digit security code you wrote down earlier and hit E. That will
obliterate the shield. Use the key to open the door and tada before you know
it, you are done  |