Bank of Montreal is the worse bank I ever met in this country. Personally, I have a case to aginst Bank of Montreal who defraud my all the investment and assets on 2001 when we rented its building to open a restaurant (our lease is still valid till 2010).
With your case, you may file a complaint to its Ombudsman, if doesn't work, then you may file a complaint to Canadian Banking Ombudsman: jolafson@bankingombudsman.com
Good luck.
Post by gpzdqztqr
在蒙特利尔银行申请房屋贷款,莫名其妙在帐户上扣掉299元(在未通知客户的情况下直接从帐户扣除),在此请教有贷款买房经历的前辈,银行这么做是否合理,如不合理我该怎么办?谢谢 |