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发表于 2004-4-15 13:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
我的车“check engine” light on, 曾找CAA修过,电脑检测说是transmission 中的一个开关的问题,换过之后, 当时灯不亮了,但过了段时间,灯又亮了。找CAA,说是得继续花检测费,继续查下去。我又去“富士”检查过,这次电脑显示是“sensor“的问题,换过两个“sensor”后,当时好了,过了一天,灯又亮了。我觉得电脑检测根本就没查出真正的问题。我的车一直开的还不错,去年四月刚买的时候找CANADIAN TIRE检查过,没什么问题。主要是冬天曾打不着火,曾找CAA帮着点过火,当时点完火后发现车在低速时会熄火,而且震动比较厉害,之后出现了“check engine” light on,现在我修车已花了不少钱,根本问题还没解决,我也不敢上高速,真是烦死了。请大侠帮我一把。
发表于 2004-4-15 19:03 | 只看该作者
call me :880-4874.I'll give you some suggestion.
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发表于 2004-4-15 19:54 | 只看该作者
See, a nice guy jumps in willing to answer your question.
Hope you tell him more detail on sympton.

what model of your car?
What's written on your Canadiantire repair report? Error code? Description?
What's sympton after check light on? I am guessing when it's on, it doesn't
affect the drivability, right?
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-15 21:24 | 只看该作者

我的车是96年的ford Mercury Mystique。今天我又去canadian Tire做了检测。说是要换“evp Sensor” 。报告中code:fy171n;description:replace Evp Sensor。至于我的车的震动问题,canadian Tire说有可能是此sensor引起的问题, 如果不是的话,也只有消除了“checke Engine”灯才能进一步检测。如果sensor换后“check Engine”问题解决后,震动问题还存在,会不会又引起sensor损坏。点火线、火花塞、空气过滤气都正常,是否由于点火时续紊乱引起的震动?买车检测时,canadian Tire曾提到过点火时续的问题,但当时没有很明显的症状,也就没太关注过这个问题。最近的几次检测都没再提过此问题。如果是点火时续的问题,该更换什么部件?现在我的车主要问题:低速熄火,震动严重,check Engine灯亮。我不知这些问题是相关联的还是各是各的问题。
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-15 21:32 | 只看该作者

我的车公里数:149831km。ford Dealer说“evp Sensor”是“chankcase Vapor System”不知是否值得换。请指教。
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发表于 2004-4-16 00:04 | 只看该作者
The sympton you gave is rough idling and misfire, which usually
results from bad sensor and vaccum leaking (small chip on the tubes which
route to the intake). The sensors which are in doubt are what control
the gas mixture. Such as MAF sensor (senses the air volume), EGR valve Position
(sense the openess of your EGR vavle), Oxygen (sense the air/gas mixture).
If one or more are faulty, you have that symtom.

You'd better to change EGR Valve Position (EVP) sensor and EGR valve
at same time, then reset the computer. If you change both of them,
and technician confirms that rest of sensors are good. Then, it is
probably the computer. If resetting computer doesn;t work, you
need find a used one.

Don't go to small garage, you should go directly to dealer. Only
them probably solve these problem.

Mystique and Contour are sister car, with lots of hard to fix problem.
Mechanical failure is easier to fix, this kind of problem is harder.
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-16 18:43 | 只看该作者
非常多谢Doncherry。今天照你的意思,我们到CANADIAN TIRE去换EVP SENSOR,要先到DEALER处订购,周一才能换。EGR VALVE是另一部件,CANADIAN TIRE的人说暂时没必要换,因电脑没显示VALVE坏,先换了SENSOR看过效果后再决定。希望这次能解决问题。有了你的建议,我们就有底多了。周一之后,看修理的效果再向你请教,这里我先多谢了。
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