Some fever-reliefs are non-prescription medicine. You can find them at any pharmacies. Once, a doctor gave me some children's tylenol suspension (fever-relief medicine) for free and told me that he could take it whenever his temperture was higher than 39C without contacting a doctor.
It suprised me that the children's clinic even open on sunday. The clinic is located in DDO, west island.
Post by canaintex;2263228
如果你是从中国来的,建议还是带点儿童常用药品吧(特别是感冒发烧嗓子疼胃口不好之类的)。我有一个朋友,小孩发烧到40度以上了,父母急得都快跳楼了,可医生还是不急,还是不肯开退烧药,说要排队做什么检查,这一排队就是4-6小时,要等检查结果出来了才肯开药(至于是什么检查,他们语言不通说不清楚),否则就是叫你回去让他多喝点水,你说只是多喝水,你去医院折腾这几小时干嘛? 所以他们去过一次医院的这个急诊后,后来说不到万不得已,再也不肯去急诊啦。这的急诊根本不是急诊,你急他们不急。诊所就更别提了,什么病你要去看至少是半天时间,有时甚至要一天。哎。我有一次进去,前后医生大概给我看了30秒,但我等了快五个小时才轮到我。你试试看吧/