:cool:6月25日周四酷暑,早上8点45分的预约, 8点10分老公把我送到Notre-dame东路1号法院,然后他上班顺路送老大去幼儿园,我带着十个月大的小女儿来到小额法庭la court pour petites creances 1.04房间(8点半开始办公只接受有预约的),排号,很快一个agent接待我。提交了有关证据有: Exhibit P-1带公司名头纸的SOUMISSION单(也就是我们常说的OFFER),Exhibit P-2一份手写有SAMY签字的质量保证书(被称为Agreement),Exhibit P-3后院照片(俯视清楚显示后院所谓栅栏刚刚开始下的十多个木桩),Exhibit P-4挂号信,挂号信的邮寄凭证和缴费收据,。Agent听我简单概述了事情经过,基本不说话,就开始根据挂号信的内容一边看挂号信一边往电脑里打字。很快大约半个小时后,打出一份法律诉讼请求让我确认。我一看果真是专业人士,把我提供的杂乱的信息整理成一条一条清晰确凿的诉讼缘由和证据,让我这个对法律诉讼一无所知的人看了就感觉小额法庭是在帮我们这些投诉的人说话,相信这个官司必赢无疑。Agent 很严肃,似乎不给提供任何法律咨询。我还是怯怯的问了三个问题:1. 我问我们双方之间没有签正式的Contract,所以对方SAMY拒不还钱,说不在乎打官司也不害怕法庭。Agent 回答我有”something”: 报价单Soumission和保证书Agreement; 2. 我问我要告的SAMY及其公司是以XXX姓名注册的,我也不知他和给我围栅栏的是不是一个人,Agent指了指文书上的被告一栏,意思说SAMY和xxx及公司都含在里面了;3. 我问如果SAMY以及搬走了怎么办,Agent 给我show了一下他的办公电脑系统所查到xxx公司当前的注册信息仍然没变。但告诉我有责任通知法院对方的新地址,十年的追溯期(有点晕!)。
Agent 只问了我两个问题:1. 我想要索赔的金额,我参照对面邻居雇人拔桩子添坑修缮草坪的花费也要求损失费200元,因此总计1450元。(之前电话咨询的时候就知道要请个公司做一下损失评估单,已经做了是200元加税)Damages Evaluation现在可暂不提供,可最后上庭时提供;2. 是否愿意接受庭外和解调停。我询问了所谓小额法庭的调解Mediation是3至4个月后双方在律师或公证师面前听取法律咨询分析和调解,是免费服务;如果调停失败也不影响等候出庭辩论的时间长短,13-15月后出庭。我选择接受庭外调解的选择,因为我也希望事情尽快得以解决。宣誓签字保证一切属实。整个过程不到一个小时,9点20分我已经在回家的路上了。
被告Defendant是在xxx公司-地址名下doing business 的xxx 和(SAMY)。
The cause of action is as follows:
1- On or around May 23,2009, the Plaintiffs accepted the submission of the Defendant concerning the construction of a fence for the Plaintiff’s propriety, as it appears from the copy of the contract provided as Exhibit P-1;
2- According with the agreement the Plaintiff, paid the same day, $1250 to the Defendant being half of the price and they engaged to pay the difference once the works will be done, which was supposed to be after one week, around end of May 2009 as it shown from the copy of the agreement provided as Exhibit P-2;
3- The Defendant started the job on May 23,2009, and after making only two feet unqualified deep holes (instead of four feet deep holes) and put posts, he stopped and quit and never showed up in spite of several calls of the Plaintiffs as it shown from the two pictures provided as Exhibit P-3;
4- Given the situation and the refuse of the Defendant to respect his obligations, the Plaintiffs are in right to claim the cancellation of the contract and the reimbursement of the $1250 they paid to the Defendant for the work he never done;
5- The Plaintiff claim also $200 as damages for all the troubles and inconveniences and to cover the postal fees, the loose of time and the costs of the necessarily works in order to fix what the Defendant started and refuses to finish; the total amount of the claim is$1450;
6- Although given formal notice by the letter dated June5, 2009 (see Exhibit P-4) the Defendant has not paid or refuses to pay.
The cause of action arose in the district of Longueuil.
To sentence the Defendant to pay the Plaintiff the sum of $1450, solitarily, plus interest at the annual rate of 5%, and the additional indemnity provided for by articles 1619 of the Civil Code of Quebec, as of June 5, 2008
To sentence the Defendant to pay the judicial fee of 99$ to the Plaintiff.
昨天7月12日周日下午,对方打来电话自称是xxx公司注册人,说SAMY已离开该公司,表示不希望和我们对簿公堂,希望庭外和解,愿意负责全额赔款1549元=1250+200+99。晚上十点半了下着雨,两个人一男一女急急开车赶来还钱,也看不出是哪里人,女的一直道歉,很nice的样子,表示不知此事,云云一番,说是度假去了,回来收到了挂号信和法院的信。当下数给我1549元。 此事到此基本结束,经过一个半月折腾,心情起伏,钱被骗走然后又失而复得。
1. 提醒自己再找公司围栅栏或铺砖路,先给消费者保护协会打个电话,看看是否确有其司;2. 10%的预付款,同时凡事要留证据;3. 自己保护自己。官司该打还得打,别怕麻烦。在这个地方,合同的概念很宽松,事实上执行了的OFFER(SOUMISSION)就是合同。 |