Post by montrealpost;2397774
"听说CONDO费年年涨,越老的CONDO越贵。买时才90,100的,过5年10年就成200,300了。。不知道是不是真的。。" ==> 正常, 如果他们(builder) 向你收取实际需要的费用,你们会买吗?!
实际需要的费用= REALISTIC maintenance fee, reserve for maintenance, etc.
Believe a friend said ~ no elevator/pool $0.??/sq. foot, with elevator+pool ~$0.35/sq. foot. I believe it's more like $0.40. Anyone know the "standard rate", please share info.
"那天看了一个CONDO,一年管理费5000元了。" ==> Cheap already. Based on my equation, only about 1000 sq. feet. Most likely doesn't include any other "major repairs".
"再加上几千TAX,住着可不便宜啊。。能卖出去吗。。。" ==> 能。
"报纸上上次有登一个市中心的高级CONDO,一年管理费3万。。。那怎么住的起啊。。。" ==>单身贵族, ?? Jones who's in jail, 。 。 。 。 。 。
如果CONDO FEE像你说的这么贵$0.4,为何大家还要买呢?好象还是租合算点啊。 |