Post by xiaodoudou;2417348
挖苦当然没什么(因为你的观点别人不一定在乎。但言语和方式本身让人了解了你是谁!)。“你要想让我歌功颂德”, 你怎么就不左就右?谁需要你歌功颂德?以X人之心,度Y子之腹吧。我不叹气,又能怎样???:frown:
失人失言,你的理解和我的不一样。 但:What & why do you care? You have NOT shown enough reason for me to tell you what I think. Here, I have the absolute right not to respond to your request! Sorry!:rolleyes: 为什么要”了解你是谁“, 我还以为你只关心想法, 不关心人呢。
我只能以小人之心度君子之腹, 因为我是相信将心比心的, 我是小人只有小人心, 没办法的事啊。
大家都需要歌功颂德, 连上帝都免不了的, 所以你大不比叹气, 慷慨的接受人民的顶礼膜拜把。
what do i care?
I care humanity, human dignity, fairness, justice, tolerance, respect, freedom, equality, reason.
Because I am a human being, a rational being, i believe those things.
yes, you have the right. no doubt about it. you are entitled to do and not to do. you are free to choose which choice is the right one, for you, for the society and for humanity.
your apology is accepted, but really, no need to feel sorry. |