Post by fengyu;2430039
Q21: How long does it take to obtain a driver's licence Plus?
A: Once your application at an authorized SAAQ service centre has been accepted, it will take a few days to receive your licence Plus by regular mail, just like the conventional licence. At the service centre, you will be issued a provisional licence Plus that will allow you to drive while waiting for your licence Plus to arrive in the mail. However, you cannot use a provisional licence Plus as a piece of identification to cross the border. Before using your licence Plus to cross the U.S. border, you must activate it using our online service or by telephone.
The key point is who knows how long it gonna take to have your application accepted by SAAQ? And before that you need to make an appointment with them and then fill out a couple of questionnaires... Actually, the biggest inconvenience of the driver's licence Plus is it can't be used to enter the U.S. by air travel. So, for those who might visit U.S. by air plane one day, finally they still need a Passport. |