There are four official tulip sites in Ottawa:
1. Commissioners Park – Dows Lake
2. Parliament Hill – Capital Infocentre
3. Major’s Hill Park
4. Casino du Lac-Leamy
The site in Commissioners Park – Dows Lake is the largest one. There are 300,000 tulips in this site. Casino du Lac-Leamy, which has 90,000 tulips, is second large. Parliament Hill may have been familiar with you, but it’s surrounded by tulips now. It’s also the place we must go. Major’s Hill Park is not free for public. The ticket is $15. Moreover, it opens from 14 to 24. Usually I will finish my trip with the best and amazing scene. So I will go to Commissioners Park – Dows Lake finally.
7:30 Depart from Montreal
9:40 Arrive in Ottawa, Parliament Hill.
12:00 Leave Parliament Hill, and heading to Casino.
12:30 Arrive in Casino site. We will have a light lunch there with 90,000
tulips. If tulip can be eaten, I’m gonna cook them.
3:00 Leave Casino, and heading Commissioners Park – Dows Lake.
3:40 Arrive in Commissioners Park – Dows Lake. We will spend more time in
this big-tulip-park.
6:00 Leave Commissioners Park, and head to Crabapple trees’ area.
6:30 Arrive in Crabapple trees’ area.
7:10 leave Crabapple trees for a nice Supper.
Around 8:40, Depart from Ottawa.