To find a MP
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Here is how to find a MP near Angrignon:
Take bus 106 along Newman Blvd, near Super C there is a building. 2nd Flr find office of Lise Zarac. You will not see her but her assistant, called Ms. Ranger. She will help you find out real reason of refusal. I attached a link below for your reference:
By the way, i had similar case before and found 2 MPs but still got refused 3rd time. MP can only help you find out reason for refusal, even they gave you a support-letter, it would be little help for next application.
The critical point is: Your Income!!!! Absolutely important, if you have higher income --- you will pay tax ---- if you pay tax --- they will take care of your application --- they will issue you a Visa, very possible. If you do not work or Income is low ---- they know you will not pay tax --- if you do not pay tax ---- why should they, the government, care about your application?
I know this is hard, but it is the FACT!!! |