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发表于 2010-8-19 21:57 | 只看该作者
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庆祝地平线成立十周年,小生意班特别优惠四选一: 1. 40小时地平线法语;2. 100小时政府Francisation法语;3. 与报名费等值的中小学课程(包括夏令营);4. 特别厚道的价格
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-18 14:31 | 只看该作者


Ma Mère
2009明日领袖夏令营中学一年级 Xuejiao Li

Je voudrais vous presenter une personne très importante pour moi qui est aussi une excellente leader. Je vais la décrire physiquement et moralement.

Ma mère est belle mais un peu ronde et elle n’est pas très grande. Ella a les cheveux et les yeux noirs en forme d’amande et belle bouche pulpeuse. Elle porte des lunettes 《Versace》. Ma mère est une personne très fière de sa personne et elle s’habille toujours bien. Elle sait comment coordonner ses vêtements qui sont toujours à lamode.

En Chine, ma mère était infirmière. Elle a travaillé dans sa domaine pendant plus de vingt-cinq ans. Elle était un exemple à suivre pour ses collègues et plusieurs l’ont louangée. Moralement, je vous dirai que ma mère est un exemple à suivre et une inspiration pour tous. Ma mère a beaucoup de qualités. Elle est une excellente cuisinière, mon père et moi avons la chancede nous régler tous les jours. Également, ma mère peut peindre de très beaux tableaux à l’huile. Elle peint des portraits, des choses et parfois, elle vend ses tableaux. Elle m’a enseigné comment dessiner et j’en suis très fier parceque, grâce à elle, j’ai gagné des concours à mon école.

Ma mère est une athlète également. Elle nage très bien et c »est aussi elle qui m’a enseigné comment nager. Ma mère, on pourrait dire, est une personne assez ferme mais aussi douce. Si je me l’écoute pas, elle me regarde et soulève ses sourcils, je sais alors que je dois me redresser. Puisque ma mère sait comment me mo-tiver, je sais que je vais réussir grâce à elle et c’est la raison pour laquelle jel’admire!

Pour moi, elle est une bonne leader pour qu’elle possède toutes les qualités nécessaires!
从留学签证, 法语认证, 到移民代办,千百人的成功经验
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-18 14:06 | 只看该作者


Horizon Camp and Myself
Qing Yin Wang   
Friday, August 1st, 2008

Horizon camp is a very special place to me. When I was in grade five and I had to take an entrance exam to be able to go to a very good secondary school, I came here to study some more to prepare. Little did I know that I was going to such a wonderful place. When I first came and was assigned to group five-two, there was so much to do, and it all seemed so tiring! However, I quickly realized that I was having a lot of fun learning new things here, even such as how to make my very own website! Later I moved from group five-two to group six because there was more English, which was better suited for me. I learned a lot and I still managed to keep up pretty well. I made some very good friends there, most of whom were i n my grade six class, and we got to know each other pretty well. My favorite class was Drama, and at the 'Final Show', I presented a mini play with the rest of my grade six group. It was so much fun preparing it and practicing!

I was very sad when it was the end of camp and I had to go, but I still knew that the knowledge that I had gained and my memories and experiences would always be there with me! And when I took the entrance exam for the secondary school that I really wanted to go to, I had almost no problems at all in doing it thanks to all that I had learned in camp! In the end, I got an 'early acceptance'! The year after that, when I finally went there, the school was even better than I had imagined! And later on, when we had a very hard and tricky math competition, I realized that the questions were very similar to the ones that I had did in camp! Therefore, I did a lot better than I would have if I didn't know the tricks that wer e in the questions. Even now, I still think of how much Horizon Camp had helped me so much in just two months!

Just before the following Christmas, Horizon Camp gave me the chance to present something for one of their events along with others who also did very well in their entrance exams for secondary that year. I really enjoyed watching my friends and other peers do magic tricks, present plays they made up, sing Christmas songs, and many, many other things as well! I was so entranced! When it came to my turn, I presented a very famous Chinese poem, 'Some People', by my great-grandfather, Zang Ke Jia, both in Chinese and in the English translation. I also presented a speech in French about pet rats. I was so happy that I could present so much in front of others! It also helped me gain some self-confidence. I even won the fi rst prize of 'people's choice'! It made me very proud that I could touch the hearts of others. During Christmas, there was also a party being thrown, and I was invited to go there! I was so excited that I drew a picture and wrote a short poem dedicated to Horizon Camp as thanks to all the opportunities that I had gotten from it! My poem is:

The horizon is the home of the sun.
The sun is us,
And we are your children.

I also brought my friends with me to the party, and we had a lot of fun together all thanks to Horizon Camp! I and somebody else, also from the camp, were even invited to cut the cake that was prepared. What an honor!

Last summer, I wasn't able to come because I was going on a trip to China, and even though I had so much fun there, I still missed coming to this camp. So this year, I came back, and I'm having just as much fun and learning as much, if not more, than I had remembered!  I'm very glad that there is also a secondary class so that I can be with my peers instead of children a lot younger than myself. Not many other places offer something like that! This camp is also very well-organized in pretty much all terms, and the te achers are very experienced in the subjects that they teach, making learning experience even easier and more fun. Also, this camp is very involved and focused on hot topics of the present. This year, of course, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games was the main topic. When I came here and saw the Beijing mascots high on the walls, I was very moved because I loved the Olympic Games a lot, especially because this year it was taking place in Beijing! We also go on very fun trips, and many of them are very big. I really enjoyed the trip to Ottawa this year since I moved to Montreal from there, and it brought back many happy memories, but especially because I also discovered something new that I hadn't even experienced from living in Ottawa for more than five years! That is because we went to the Chinese Embassy to watch clips which introduced the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games!

Horizon Camp has played a very big part in my life, and I will never forget the times that I have spent here, how much I have learned, and... everything about it!  Therefore, not only do I want to come back next time, I also want to participate in other extra-curricular activities organized by it during the weekend. Horizon Camp is a place which will forever remain in my heart.

从留学签证, 法语认证, 到移民代办,千百人的成功经验
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-18 14:00 | 只看该作者



我今年11岁五年级,我来加拿大已经三年了。五年级是重要的一年,因为面临着中考的压力。参加夏令营的目的是为了迎接中学考试,提高法语的阅读,写作,数学等科目的水平,所以爸爸和妈妈经过很多商量比较,为我选择了地平线夏令营。地平线夏令营有许多的特色班级,比如:针对升学的强化补习班,增加文艺修养的才艺舞蹈班,强身健体的功夫班等。我参加了金牌中考强化班 (小五)。

虽然是夏令营,对于五年级每天的课程还是很紧张的。每天都有法语的阅读,写作和语法训练,还有数学的课程。法语老师是有着丰富教学经验的Carmen老师,她在法语方面对我有很大的帮助,每天都有大量的练习题,特别是在法语语法和阅读理解的帮助最大。以前经常混淆的语法关系,经她解释后,变得容易记忆,难以掌握的阅读理解,经过上Carmen老师的课,提高迅速。 现在在阅读文章是可以快速准确的抓住文章的中心意思。



从留学签证, 法语认证, 到移民代办,千百人的成功经验
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发表于 2010-3-11 23:07 | 只看该作者
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庆祝地平线成立十周年,小生意班特别优惠四选一: 1. 40小时地平线法语;2. 100小时政府Francisation法语;3. 与报名费等值的中小学课程(包括夏令营);4. 特别厚道的价格
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发表于 2010-2-23 20:30 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-2 23:51 | 只看该作者

三. 地平线留学移民中心简介







留学咨询部 精办麦大、康大、蒙大、魁大、多大、皇后、卑诗等加拿大一流大学,拉塞尔、辛力加等著名大专,公立高中校委会的入学申请,以及暑期游学和留学移民直通车等项目;

签证申请部 负责办理申请或延续学签(CAQ,Study Permit),申请或延续工签,报读地平线全日制课程,可有效续签一年以上学生签证,资深顾问免费协助办理;

移民咨询部 精办魁北克技术移民、魁北克投资移民、加拿大经验移民、加拿大AEO技术移民、加拿大投资移民、加拿大团聚移民、美国EB5优惠投资移民、多米尼加投资移民等项目;

综合服务部 负责办理翻译,公证,宣誓,真实复印,文案,就业辅导,并免费提供移民资讯。
从留学签证, 法语认证, 到移民代办,千百人的成功经验
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-2 14:36 | 只看该作者

二. 地平线中小学部简介



每年暑期为方便忙于学习工作的家长们,地平线还特别组织了寓教于乐,丰富多彩的中西文化夏令营活动;不惜重金选择安全舒适的营址,聘请明星教师团队,并精心设计夏令营课程,深受新老移民的欢迎;从而成为蒙城华社唯一通过了蒙特利尔市政府(Ville de Montréal)和魁省夏令营协会(ACQ)正式资格认证的机构。



从2011年夏季起,在老港学院(Cégep du Vieux Montréal)的大力支持下,地平线国际夏令营全新推出“学习+运动营/科学营/音乐营”,由专业教师和国家级教练授课,受到来自学生家长的广泛好评,夏令营协会作为成功经验推广。

1. 金牌中考强化班(小五)
2. 权威中考冲刺班(小六)
3. 各年级法文插班备考班
4. 中学法文省考预备班
5. 中学英文省考预备班
6. 中学数学省考预备班
7. 各年级数学提高班

1. 少儿法文/英文启蒙班
2. 各年级法文欢迎班
3. 各年级法文阅读写作班
4. 各年级英文提高班
5. 各年级数学提高班
6. 日常课余作业辅导
7. 权威家教一对一辅导


从留学签证, 法语认证, 到移民代办,千百人的成功经验
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-2 12:58 | 只看该作者

一. 地平线国际学院课程设置


1. 全日制法语强化课程 (报读地平线全日制课程,可有效续签一年以上学生签证)

本课程适合已完成高三毕业或即将完成(包括中专,大专和大学在读)的留学生。 为大专以上应届毕业生及其他符合条件者申请魁省移民提供充分的缓冲时间。浸入式授课方式,全法语外教授课,听说读写能力全面提高,3个月后实现法语日常基本交流,6个月后轻松应对魁省移民面试。

=》法语面试口语班 / 法语面试专家辅导 / 法语商务口语班 / 法语电影看中学(C.R.A.Z.Y.)... 独创四级连读优惠以及半年任学计划,给你更多的外教课时和听说练习。

2. 全日制英语强化课程 (报读地平线全日制课程,可有效续签一年以上学生签证)

本课程适合已完成高三学业或即将完成(包括中专,大专和大学在读)的学生; 学院式教学理念,由浅入深,循序渐进,听说读写能力全面提高,3个月后实现英语日常基本交流,6个月后轻松应付大学专业学习。

=》入门英语会话班 / 场景英语会话班 / 英语电影看中学(老友记,绝望主妇)... 独创四级连读优惠以及半年任学计划,给你更多的外教课时和听说练习。

3. 考前培训课程(地平线托福老师由ETS集训认证)

TOEFL / IELTS / CELDT / MELAB / TELP / SAT / UWT / GMAT / GRE / Quebec College English Test / TEFaQ / TCFQ 考前强化培训以及专为参加McGill大学,Concordia大学和蒙特利尔大学入学考试的学生设计的课程,将帮助您迅速提高英语水平,轻松通过入学考试,顺利入读心仪的高等学府。

4. B2法语完美解决方案(为PEQ移民扫除最后一道障碍)

本课程适合于在魁省全职工作一年以上的外劳或者全职学习1800小时以上的国际学生,包括大学本科生(Bachelor’s degree),研究生(Master’s degree and MBA),博士生,College学生(DEC文凭),和职业培训1800学时的学生(DEP文凭);地平线独创三阶段完美方案(1. 零基础到A2,2. A2到B1,3. B1到B2),教育局授权,移民局认可,终身有效。

*小班制学院式教学,每位学员均能充分利用上课时间; 生动课堂, 每个学生都有自我表达的空间; 多元种族及多元文化为地平线国际学院提供了丰富多彩的社会大舞台,从而也为地平线国际学院的学员们提供了广泛的知识来源。
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