唉, 偶们本来晚上也将暖气自动调低的, 但是自从有了宝宝之后, 怕她感冒因为她老踢被子, 就设成恒温的了.
偶去年在国内买了一条夏天薄的丝被, 好象只400-500克, 价格是200人民币左右, 国内一KG的好象要卖四五百; 所以这里COSTCO 看到的好象也是LIGHT WEIGHT, 要200左右(不同的SIZE)加币还是比国内贵好几倍.
反正老外很多人也不在乎SILK啥的, 我买的被子给我婆婆, 她也没啥特别的感觉. 不象偶们觉得丝的特别舒服.
Ocean Sales Ltd. is pleased to announce that after successfully demonstrating the Mulberry Silk Duvet product in Ontario and Eastern Canada since Summer 2008, that we have now officially introduced this great product to Western Canada! A Costco Roadshow is being held for the Mulberry Silk Duvet from June 29/09-July 5/09 at Costco Store #543 located in Calgary NW. Come and see us there!
http://www.oceansales.ca/our-pro ... /mulberry-silk.html |