Dear my friend 魔域沼泽:
You are the real man and what you had which is most of us we are missing from our blood today... If in our Chinese society have more people like you, you should get more respect from the others. Unfortunately many of us we still didn't realize the reason why it's so hard for us to gain equal respect and treatment from the others.
You made a very good point: 我不是要在这边为了小小的一件事就充民族英雄,我只是希望大家能够明白,很多时候,尊严是靠自己去争取来的。很多时候,当我们做一些事情的时候,哪怕是小事,也要想着我们的团体。力所能及的时候,为同胞做一些事情。, which would encorage me continually keep fignt for justice. With in 15 days, I should able to finish the summary of my case in Chinese version to let the public know what was really happen and how the government here treated its citizens especially with our Chinese...
Post by 魔域沼泽
... ... 我们的民族不少别的,就是少了“气节二字!!!这气节,很多时候就是要用血来写的。这样不怕死的人太少太少了。
... ...
我不是要在这边为了小小的一件事就充民族英雄,我只是希望大家能够明白,很多时候,尊严是靠自己去争取来的。很多时候,当我们做一些事情的时候,哪怕是小事,也要想着我们的团体。力所能及的时候,为同胞做一些事情。 |