1. exhaust leak( front pipe to manifold)
开始一位老者说得换掉这一段,花196$ + $59.95 labour.
后来卖车的人去“逼问”验车技工。答案是it is minor. 只需换一个垫圈什么的,$3+45分钟人工。而且不用急着换。
Technician is right. you can ignore it if no noise comes out right now. Minor leaking is not a big issue.
2。Need rear schocks and dust boots. 不然有些颠。
Cost: $104*2(schocks)+$120labour. $24*2(boots)
Yes, 11 years old car, if you want keep it long, better to fix.
需要机器打磨REAR DRUMS。不知道这是什么毛病?
Rear Brake. You can ignore it.
4。另外前胎快磨平了,还要做wheel alignment.
能推荐一家车行换胎和做wheel alignment吗?听说CanadianTire 正在打折,不知如何?
Regular price is $50 in Canadiantire, you should do it.
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