usually, it's in the middle of lunar June, that means in July or early Auguest. Pay attention to the Ads. in sinoquebec la. No problem, If I get the exact date, I'll PM you. Usually in that day, there're more than 1000 people go at the same time. it's very crowded and full of fun too.
Post by september;2562565
usually, it's in the middle of lunar June, that means in July or early Auguest. Pay attention to the Ads. in sinoquebec la. No problem, If I get the exact date, I'll PM you. Usually in that day, there're more than 1000 people go at the same time. it's very crowded and full of fun too.
多谢楼主提供的信息,我们今天也去了一趟。虽然寺院不大,但是非常nice.值得一去。按照楼主提供的路线,很容易找到。如果116出口来不及出去(我们就错过116出口),可以从紧接着的117出口出去,然后左转2次(从桥下钻过,相当于U Turn),再右转就可以上327南。大约走18公里可看见停牌,第2个停牌处右转。再走约8公里就可以看到寺院,这8公里石子路不要开得太快。回来我们走的是327南->50东高速->15南。路虽然近了20公里,时间却不省,因为开不快。
补充一点:如果GPS找不到这个邮编J8G 2S7,可以找街名:Chemin de la Rivière Rouge,因为Chemin de la Rouge也可能找不到。