I had family style kitchen business,so i am shopping a lot.my feeling is I like to go Maxi or Iga or super c,that is not I don't like chinese people.I am chinese,I mean like IGA ,it is clean and clear.you don't need to worry about viggie or fruits is not fresh,if it is happen,you can ask them to change or totally refund,there is no problem at all.
chinese supermarket always has so many problems,actually some of them are good,like nihao supermarket,and the one in lachine(notre dame) are good,the owners are nice and help me a lot to do the shopping.I like them.
so when you shopping at chinese supermarket,just open your eyes to look the screen ,make sure there is no mistake at all.if you find something wrong,don't be shy to ask cashier what it is,or why it is like that.remember,protect your own profit.