谁说房东不能收定金? 定金不等于是押金. 当然没签LEASE是不对的, 但是口头协议也可以作为LEASE.
When the lease is signed, the landlord may require the tenant to make the first rent payment and even make that a condition for signing the lease. However, the landlord cannot require more than that, for example, a deposit for the keys to the dwelling or as a safeguard against damage the tenant may cause.
I am a tenant without a lease. May I leave the dwelling at any moment ?
A tenant always has a lease whether it is written or verbal. If there is no fixed term for the lease, the tenant must give to the landlord a notice of one month before leaving the premises.
你的贴子写的不是很明确, 所谓的定金是哪个月的房租吗? REGIE明确规定房东可以收取第一个月的房租(见上)我认为你没有理由要回你的定金, 如果那是8月份的房租, 现在电器没有到位不是你不付房租的理由, 就算8月份电器还没有到, 你也只能写信去催, 或者去REGIE申请终止LEASE. |