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Post by joelleon;2650737
1)我只是问了两个学校的接待秘书确认了有班有名额,现在(10 aout)满了没有还真不知道。这个专业可能还是比较好就业的专业吧。
2)我要等和我的agent 下星期会面以后,说服她让我学,再去学校正式报名。法语到底要什么水平才让入学,要不要测试?入学的确是有要求的,但对于我们成人技术移民来讲,如果有学历认证,最好跟这个专业相关,法语可以跟老师讲个十句八句法语的,我想入学应该没有太大的问题。
Sorry I can't write chinese character from my computer.
Just want to thank you for your answer to my questions. I also went to school today (Ecole metiers du sud-ouest-de-montreal) and registred myself into the program of 'Dessin de batimon' for the Oct.18 session. the school told me both session -- day program and night program are the same hours (30h/week); day program(8am-15:30) night program (15:30-22:45), they did not ask me for the exam, so it seems already OK to enter the program.
How about you? which school you will go?hope we can go to the same school.