Post by 自由自在zyzz;2645568
以前看网上评价,对Cape Breton赞誉有加,拔到和洛基山同等的高度。个人认为,这里确实是人间胜景,美不胜收,非常值得一游,但较之洛基山还是略为逊色。
洛基山美得壮丽,大气磅礴,如绝代佳人,令人刻骨铭心。Cape Breton美得清秀,落落大方,象大家闺秀,让人如沐春风。王子岛美得甜蜜,温柔精致,似小家碧玉,引人甘之如饴。
Yep! Even though we were only two girls when we had road trip to Maritimes last year, our rental car was completely full with camping and cooking stuff together with our travel bags. I found that two people in one car would be perfect for the road trip unless you have a SUV or van.