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发表于 2005-6-7 20:22 | 只看该作者
Post by peterpan1668
From my experience, the complain system at here mostly never work.  
from my experience, both work and personal, i think it does work.

once i was bumped out from a northwest flight, they gave me a $400.00 credit, a phone card and food coupons, and put me on the next flight, first class, for a 4 hours delay,
on an air canada flight, an attendant drop some coffee on my lap, he gave me a $15.00.  
both cases, I didn't complain.

i work at a travel agency, although my work does not directly involves customer complaints, form my coworkers, i know we deal with customer issues very seriously.  yesterday, i heard a complaint reached to VP of operation because somebody said that  our phone line closed 5 minutes before closing time (9:00PM).

peter, i am not saying your claim is false.  I feel strongly that different experience need to be heard to avoid bias.
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发表于 2005-6-9 10:53 | 只看该作者

You always be protected by the law

Request your complains in this website:


The comsumer's right is always being protected here. You should check the company's profile in this website before doing any business with them. Once you open a file for your complain against the company, it will stay public for at least two years.
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发表于 2005-7-26 21:57 | 只看该作者


上周末我和半车的游客被X旅游公司倒卖到W旅游公司, 结果被安排到一辆坏了空调的豪华大巴上游了一趟美国, 酷暑难忍,臭气熏天。想不到MONTREAL知名的华人旅游公司服务品质如此低劣!:mad: :mad: :mad:
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