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[入籍] 新帖~入籍笔试后的真题回忆 谢过来人能够为后来人多点帮助与分享

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发表于 2013-11-27 18:15 | 只看该作者

1.寄给我们的那本书的名称(Discover Canada)
3.Prairie Provinces
4.Atlantic Provinces
5.Red poppies and Remembrance Day
7.Royal anthem的名称(God save the Queen)
8.法官犯法,与民同罪(Laws apply to a judge? Yes)
9.什么人能知道你的投票内容(No one)
18.公民的权利和义务之所以重要是因为(reflect our shared traditions, identity, and values)

4.From sea to sea







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发表于 2013-11-27 21:25 | 只看该作者
今天满分通过了。感觉题出的答案大多数不是很明显的,所以理解比较重要。不过难度不算大。 面试的经验就是一定要熟记申请的时候写上的资料,如工作经历,上学经历,如出境就记好出境时间有及原因。面试完了倒没有说要见法官,是说法官会做最后的决定,到时候会寄信通知,如要背景调查之类,要寄相关的资料,如没有问题就在2-3个月内通知oath。
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发表于 2013-11-29 20:53 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2013-12-3 16:35 | 只看该作者
12.3 下午的test。 20/20

1. Study Guide name: discover Canada
2. A judge also is regulated by laws.
3. 1791 divided into Upper and Lower Canada
4. A girl 15 years old, citizen, not in Canada at the election day.
    cannot vote since less than 18 years old
5. Atlantic provinces: Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia, NB
6. Queen's representative: Governor general and Lieutenant Governor.
7. which following saves millions of lives: insulin
8. Canadian Forces: defend the nation
9. 11th Nov: Remembrance day
10. 1st, July: Canada day, Confederation
11. which one is not a right: help others and ask for payments
12. the largest religious affiliation is Catholic.
13. secret ballot: no one
14. Suffrage movement is known as for the right of work and study. False.
15. Prairies provinces: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
其他的忘了, 总之,很简单。
***[email=\"cacn789@126.com\"]专业计算机、网络维护[/email]*** Email:[email=\"CACN789@126.COM\"]CACN789@126.COM[/email]
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发表于 2013-12-3 17:01 | 只看该作者

Post by cacn789;3328844
12.3 下午的test。 20/20

1. Study Guide name: discover Canada
2. A judge also is regulated by laws.
3. 1791 divided into Upper and Lower Canada
4. A girl 15 years old, citizen, not in Canada at the election day.
    cannot vote since less than 18 years old
5. Atlantic provinces: Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia, NB
6. Queen's representative: Governor general and Lieutenant Governor.
7. which following saves millions of lives: insulin
8. Canadian Forces: defend the nation
9. 11th Nov: Remembrance day
10. 1st, July: Canada day, Confederation
11. which one is not a right: help others and ask for payments
12. the largest religious affiliation is Catholic.
13. secret ballot: no one
14. Suffrage movement is known as for the right of work and study. False.
15. Prairies provinces: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
其他的忘了, 总之,很简单。
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发表于 2013-12-3 17:35 | 只看该作者
Post by biokill;3328857
***[email=\"cacn789@126.com\"]专业计算机、网络维护[/email]*** Email:[email=\"CACN789@126.COM\"]CACN789@126.COM[/email]
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发表于 2013-12-7 11:58 | 只看该作者



http://www.immigration.ca/forum/ ... D=475& 这个是全国所有地方考试的论坛,很多人考完之后就把自己的考题贴到这里,让后来人借鉴,我觉得这个网站很好,不仅能看到各个地方的考题,关键是更新很快,昨天的考题今天就看到了,没准儿就用得上。

http://www.v-soul.com/onlinetest/ 这个网站就是模拟题网站,我在这上面做过七八套,还是很全面的。

http://www.testcanada.com/free-test 这个网站上的题也可以做做,但是题量很少。

http://www.yourlibrary.ca/citizenship/ 这个网站题还可以。

http://www.yourlibrary.ca/citizenship/Booklet.pdf 这个网站给归纳了所有考试内容的要点,很不错,记住这些基本就够了。

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发表于 2014-1-6 21:17 | 只看该作者

入籍考题 canadian citizenship test

我是今天2014 一月六号考的
一共有三套题 (两套老题(红色和蓝色夹子) 一套新题 (绿色夹子)

1. What is the name of the Study Guide? 寄给我们的那本书的名称
  Discover Canada  发现加拿大
2. which of the following inventions(discoveries) saves millions of lives? (加拿大的什么发明拯救了千万糖尿病患者?)
3.What are the Prairie Provinces? (草原省会有哪些?)
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
4.Red poppies and Remembrance Day (纪念日) 11th Nov: Remembrance day
5. a girl 15 years old, citizen, not in Canada at the election day is not eligible to vote because: 一个15岁的女孩选举当天不在加拿大没有权利投票是因为:
  cannot vote since she is less than 18 years old选民年龄18
6. what is the name of the Royal anthem? 皇家歌的名称
God save the Queen
7..Does Canadian Laws apply to a judge? (加拿大的律法包括法官吗?)
  Yes, Laws apply to a judge (A judge also is regulated by laws) 法官犯法,与民同罪
8 .Can anyone know what you vote for in a federal election? 什么人能知道你的投票内容
   No one  没有人
9. The Suffrage movement is known as for the right of work and study. 妇女投票运动的目的是为了同样能够上学工作. (判断对错)
   False (错误)
10.Which Act divided Canada into Upper and Lower Canada? 哪个法案把加拿大分成上、下两部分)
The 1791 Constitution Act   1791法案
11. What are the Queen's representative in Canada? 女王在加拿大的代表
  Governor general and Lieutenant Governor.(总督和省督)
12.Which countrey is Canada's largest trading partner? 最大的贸易伙伴
  The United States of America (美国)
13.The House of Commons (members of a parliament)are elected by whom? 下议院(参议院成员)由谁选出?
They are elected by People (由人民选举)
14. which one is not a right of Canadian citizen? 下面哪一个不属于公民的义务
  help others and ask for payments  (帮助别人却索要报酬)
15. Why does the Federal government granted certain rights to the provincial government in areas such as education and health care.  联邦之父们为什么要赋予省级政府一些权力比如教育医疗
There are two levels of government which are responsible and focus on their independent areas.(两级政府,各负其责)
16.The rights and responsibilities of the citizens are important is because: 公民的权利和义务之所以重要是因为
It reflects our shared traditions, identity, and values (它反映了我们共同的传统,身份, 和价值)
17.What are the responsibilities of the Canadian Forces?
Defend the nation (保护民族)
18. What does the July 1st Canada Day mean (celebrate ) 加拿大日是什么意思(庆祝什么)
Confederation (联盟)
19. What is the largest religious affiliation in Canada? (加拿大最大的宗教信仰是什么)
  Roman Catholic.  天主教
20. 公民宣誓承若要(守法……
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发表于 2014-1-8 03:03 | 只看该作者
Post by ellendai;3340575
我是今天2014 一月六号考的
一共有三套题 (两套老题(红色和蓝色夹子) 一套新题 (绿色夹子)

1. What is the name of the Study Guide? 寄给我们的那本书的名称
  Discover Canada  发现加拿大
2. which of the following inventions(discoveries) saves millions of lives? (加拿大的什么发明拯救了千万糖尿病患者?)
3.What are the Prairie Provinces? (草原省会有哪些?)
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
4.Red poppies and Remembrance Day (纪念日) 11th Nov: Remembrance day
5. a girl 15 years old, citizen, not in Canada at the election day is not eligible to vote because: 一个15岁的女孩选举当天不在加拿大没有权利投票是因为:
  cannot vote since she is less than 18 years old选民年龄18
6. what is the name of the Royal anthem? 皇家歌的名称
God save the Queen
7..Does Canadian Laws apply to a judge? (加拿大的律法包括法官吗?)
  Yes, Laws apply to a judge (A judge also is regulated by laws) 法官犯法,与民同罪
8 .Can anyone know what you vote for in a federal election? 什么人能知道你的投票内容
   No one  没有人
9. The Suffrage movement is known as for the right of work and study. 妇女投票运动的目的是为了同样能够上学工作. (判断对错)
   False (错误)
10.Which Act divided Canada into Upper and Lower Canada? 哪个法案把加拿大分成上、下两部分)
The 1791 Constitution Act   1791法案
11. What are the Queen's representative in Canada? 女王在加拿大的代表
  Governor general and Lieutenant Governor.(总督和省督)
12.Which countrey is Canada's largest trading partner? 最大的贸易伙伴
  The United States of America (美国)
13.The House of Commons (members of a parliament)are elected by whom? 下议院(参议院成员)由谁选出?
They are elected by People (由人民选举)
14. which one is not a right of Canadian citizen? 下面哪一个不属于公民的义务
  help others and ask for payments  (帮助别人却索要报酬)
15. Why does the Federal government granted certain rights to the provincial government in areas such as education and health care.  联邦之父们为什么要赋予省级政府一些权力比如教育医疗
There are two levels of government which are responsible and focus on their independent areas.(两级政府,各负其责)
16.The rights and responsibilities of the citizens are important is because: 公民的权利和义务之所以重要是因为
It reflects our shared traditions, identity, and values (它反映了我们共同的传统,身份, 和价值)
17.What are the responsibilities of the Canadian Forces?
Defend the nation (保护民族)
18. What does the July 1st Canada Day mean (celebrate ) 加拿大日是什么意思(庆祝什么)
Confederation (联盟)
19. What is the largest religious affiliation in Canada? (加拿大最大的宗教信仰是什么)
  Roman Catholic.  天主教
20. 公民宣誓承若要(守法……

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发表于 2014-1-8 03:05 | 只看该作者
Post by ellendai;3340575
我是今天2014 一月六号考的
一共有三套题 (两套老题(红色和蓝色夹子) 一套新题 (绿色夹子)

1. What is the name of the Study Guide? 寄给我们的那本书的名称
  Discover Canada  发现加拿大
2. which of the following inventions(discoveries) saves millions of lives? (加拿大的什么发明拯救了千万糖尿病患者?)
3.What are the Prairie Provinces? (草原省会有哪些?)
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
4.Red poppies and Remembrance Day (纪念日) 11th Nov: Remembrance day
5. a girl 15 years old, citizen, not in Canada at the election day is not eligible to vote because: 一个15岁的女孩选举当天不在加拿大没有权利投票是因为:
  cannot vote since she is less than 18 years old选民年龄18
6. what is the name of the Royal anthem? 皇家歌的名称
God save the Queen
7..Does Canadian Laws apply to a judge? (加拿大的律法包括法官吗?)
  Yes, Laws apply to a judge (A judge also is regulated by laws) 法官犯法,与民同罪
8 .Can anyone know what you vote for in a federal election? 什么人能知道你的投票内容
   No one  没有人
9. The Suffrage movement is known as for the right of work and study. 妇女投票运动的目的是为了同样能够上学工作. (判断对错)
   False (错误)
10.Which Act divided Canada into Upper and Lower Canada? 哪个法案把加拿大分成上、下两部分)
The 1791 Constitution Act   1791法案
11. What are the Queen's representative in Canada? 女王在加拿大的代表
  Governor general and Lieutenant Governor.(总督和省督)
12.Which countrey is Canada's largest trading partner? 最大的贸易伙伴
  The United States of America (美国)
13.The House of Commons (members of a parliament)are elected by whom? 下议院(参议院成员)由谁选出?
They are elected by People (由人民选举)
14. which one is not a right of Canadian citizen? 下面哪一个不属于公民的义务
  help others and ask for payments  (帮助别人却索要报酬)
15. Why does the Federal government granted certain rights to the provincial government in areas such as education and health care.  联邦之父们为什么要赋予省级政府一些权力比如教育医疗
There are two levels of government which are responsible and focus on their independent areas.(两级政府,各负其责)
16.The rights and responsibilities of the citizens are important is because: 公民的权利和义务之所以重要是因为
It reflects our shared traditions, identity, and values (它反映了我们共同的传统,身份, 和价值)
17.What are the responsibilities of the Canadian Forces?
Defend the nation (保护民族)
18. What does the July 1st Canada Day mean (celebrate ) 加拿大日是什么意思(庆祝什么)
Confederation (联盟)
19. What is the largest religious affiliation in Canada? (加拿大最大的宗教信仰是什么)
  Roman Catholic.  天主教
20. 公民宣誓承若要(守法……

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