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发表于 2010-12-12 16:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Imperial Tobacco denies sparking price war

New program in Maritimes 'raises serious legal issues': JTI-Macdonald Corp.

Last Updated: Wednesday, December 1, 2010 | 11:26 AM ET Comments40Recommend21
CBC News

The cost of buying a package of cigarettes is at the centre of a controversy in the Maritimes, where Imperial Tobacco has come under fire for its new discounting program. (CBC)Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd. has denied starting a price war for cigarettes in the Maritimes despite concerns by some store owners, another tobacco company and the Canadian Cancer Society.

The reaction comes after Imperial Tobacco introduced a discount program, called the expansion preferred pricing program, in November. It has been offered to about one-third of retailers in Nova Scotia.

As a result, some cigarettes are being sold for as much as 50 cents less per package in 621 stores across the Maritimes.

Sid Chedrawe, a convenience store owner in Dartmouth, N.S., said he was not invited to participate in the program.

"You are only given the opportunity to join this program by invitation and there's just something that seems at odds with fair competition rules that we have here in Canada," he told CBC News.

Eric Gagnon, a spokesman for Imperial Tobacco, said the program is designed to encourage competitive pricing, and it's up to store owners to decide how much of a discount — if any — is offered to customers.

"Some of them will have a benefit, which is a reduction in the price they pay," Gagnon said.

"Even before the program, the prices of tobacco products were not the same in all the stores. It was all based on the margin that the retailers themselves wanted to take."

He refused to say what criteria was used to select stores for the cheaper cigarettes.

Chedrawe said there's no question he will lose business when smokers start finding which stores sell the discounted cigarettes — such as the one across the street from his.

"Fifty cents is a huge difference, and they will go down the road, across the street or across town for that," he said.

"It's just the way it is. It's like gas. People will drive all the way to Sackville because they think they can get gas for a penny cheaper."

Cancer society reacts

JTI-Macdonald Corp., one of Imperial Tobacco's largest competitors, sent a letter to its retailers that said Imperial Tobacco's new program "raises serious legal issues under the federal Competition Act."

"ITCO [Imperial Tobacco Company] is asking you to reduce your margin on its premium brands, alleging that it will increase traffic into your store," said the letter, obtained by CBC News.

"You will lose those adult consumers seeking the lowest-priced cigarettes unless you drastically reduce your own profit margin in what is the fastest-growing segment."

Chedrawe said what Imperial Tobacco is doing is not how a free market should operate.

"A company should not be allowed to control the destiny of retailers. They cannot just randomly select people and say, 'We will let you do this,'" he said.

"From a retailer's perspective, the people who are not on this program seem to take it on the chin because if two retailers across the street from each other — one has it and one doesn't — the one who doesn't, people may perceive that retailer as being someone who's gouging and overcharging."

Meanwhile, the campaign has also caught the attention of the Canadian Cancer Society, which said the issue will be dealt with at the national level.

"The Canadian Cancer Society supports a total ban on all promotional measures put forth by the tobacco industry that are intended to increase tobacco sales and thus consumption," said Maureen Summers, executive director of the society's Nova Scotia division.

"We will be working with our national public issues office to move this issue forward to see what we can do with provincial and federal governments in terms of strengthening the Tobacco Act and legislation that would restrict this kind of activity and promotion from the tobacco industry."

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/money/story/20 ... .html#ixzz17w38add0



来源:中国烟草市场网    2010-12-7






















发表于 2010-12-12 18:44 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-2-6 16:20 | 只看该作者


前两天,帝国的代表来了,还带了两个人,说是他的boss.  年长的那个好像是个干部,年轻的那个像个MBA毕业不久。代表不停地向两个人介绍情况,点头哈腰。看来混碗饭吃都不容易啊。说了几句不着边际的话后,那个干部问我生意咋样,我说肯定不好了。那个MBA问了我几个问题,都好像是MBA书上搬过来的,我懒得回答他,也不给i他提供信息。后来说道du marier 卖得好不好,我说客人都说我这贵,卖不动。那个傻逼MBA一本正经说:you can tell them it's the same price as EXPORT A. 我马上说: no, I am not telling them that.  傻逼不说话了。 
看来帝国在调查情况。听说扛不住了,要出台个针对小零售商的什么计划,估计是个折衷的计划。我现在的做法是,大力推其他烟,减少帝国的烟的比重,特别是对pall mall,尽量不卖。很多烟是有替代性的,特别是低端烟。
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发表于 2011-2-7 01:18 | 只看该作者
Post by Shaohui;2795639
前两天,帝国的代表来了,还带了两个人,说是他的boss.  年长的那个好像是个干部,年轻的那个像个MBA毕业不久。代表不停地向两个人介绍情况,点头哈腰。看来混碗饭吃都不容易啊。说了几句不着边际的话后,那个干部问我生意咋样,我说肯定不好了。那个MBA问了我几个问题,都好像是MBA书上搬过来的,我懒得回答他,也不给i他提供信息。后来说道du marier 卖得好不好,我说客人都说我这贵,卖不动。那个傻逼MBA一本正经说:you can tell them it's the same price as EXPORT A. 我马上说: no, I am not telling them that.  傻逼不说话了。 
看来帝国在调查情况。听说扛不住了,要出台个针对小零售商的什么计划,估计是个折衷的计划。我现在的做法是,大力推其他烟,减少帝国的烟的比重,特别是对pall mall,尽量不卖。很多烟是有替代性的,特别是低端烟。
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发表于 2011-2-7 08:29 | 只看该作者
Post by Shaohui;2795639
前两天,帝国的代表来了,还带了两个人,说是他的boss. 年长的那个好像是个干部,年轻的那个像个MBA毕业不久。代表不停地向两个人介绍情况,点头哈腰。看来混碗饭吃都不容易啊。说了几句不着边际的话后,那个干部问我生意咋样,我说肯定不好了。那个MBA问了我几个问题,都好像是MBA书上搬过来的,我懒得回答他,也不给i他提供信息。后来说道du marier 卖得好不好,我说客人都说我这贵,卖不动。那个傻逼MBA一本正经说:you can tell them it's the same price as EXPORT A. 我马上说: no, I am not telling them that. 傻逼不说话了。 
看来帝国在调查情况。听说扛不住了,要出台个针对小零售商的什么计划,估计是个折衷的计划。我现在的做法是,大力推其他烟,减少帝国的烟的比重,特别是对pall mall,尽量不卖。很多烟是有替代性的,特别是低端烟。

看清本质,如果有计划, 也不能要,最终也没有好东西; 先达到自己的目的, 再过河拆桥
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