楼主: montrealpost
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我说 。。。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-10 13:51 | 只看该作者
哪儿可以退票? 快说,快说!这个破网!我自己也找不到自己的帖子!不认识琵琶这样高级的东东!

应该是老网友啦,明知我超慢,应该知道我写一个帖子 通常写几个月,甚至n年,你"吹"什么?!   

本来今天我只打算 开始写 香蕉女王和葡萄干王子的故事(自酿酒),然后回家 给自己做个 Cream Caramel 吃下午茶。现在 。  。  。 。  。 你先赔我 Cream Caramel,快!
Post by zonglin;2776255
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-10 14:48 | 只看该作者


网上个个不男不女的,一会儿又忽男忽女的。未验身的,统统当做MM。现在跑来一个帅哥 。 。 。 。 。 。死啦! 。 。 。 。 。 。今天我很聪明,反正我年年十六岁,马上给你升级做爷爷。升了 YY 级,F 爷爷爽吗?! :cool:

我继续嗲我的 。 。 。 。 。 。MM们
Post by flagger;2765431
  。  。  。  。  。别憋着!很多平胸脯就是硬给憋成巨乳的.  。  。  。  。  。
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-10 15:09 | 只看该作者
小声问: 混什么呵?

混蛋 :confused: 混帐 :confused: 混球 文雅点 :rolleyes: ,混酱最好 。我吃火锅时 还是不知道如何处理那一大堆的酱料。

死啦!其实我没有什么特别东东可以说,没有秘密,没有香艳故事 。  。  。  。  。  。你先顶场,随便乱混行了。你乖  。  。  。  。  哦! :cool:
Post by 阿混;2765839
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发表于 2011-1-10 17:03 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-21 16:39 | 只看该作者

Filial Responsibility / 孝道责任 法律

不客气!不用 大珠小珠 这么多,下次 小小烤乳猪 就行了! :cool:

抱歉啊!通常,我早上 边喝咖啡,边听英语广播。

这次是(1月17日星期一):父母起诉儿女 孝道责任 的法律 from http://www.cbc.ca/thecurrent/epi ... ial-responsibility/

Filial Responsibility
China is considering a law that would force children to visit their elderly parents. And here in Canada, nearly every province has a law on the books allowing parents to sue their children for financial support. We meet a daughter who is being sued by her mother.

Filial Responsibility - Donna Anderson (PART TWO)
We started this segment with a song from Chen Hong, it was a smash hit in China. It's title roughly translates as Often Going Back Home to Visit Our Parents. And filial responsibility isn't just something to sing about in China. The government has proposed a new law that would force children to visit their parents. We asked Anthony Germain -- CBC Radio's China Correspondent -- to give us a sense of what's behind the proposed law.

Now, the idea of a law that requires children to care for their elders may seem a little foreign... and it got us wondering if this kind of law could fly here in this Country. And to our surprise, we discovered that every province in Canada -- with exception of Alberta -- has legislation on the books that does just that.

These filial responsibility laws - as they're known - have been around for decades. And while it doesn't happen often, every once in a while a parent sues his or her adult children for financial support. Donna Anderson and her brothers are currently being sued by their mother. She was in Vancouver.

Filial Responsibility - Janneke Lewis
For a better understanding of how the law works in this case, we were joined by Janneke Lewis. She's the lawyer representing Donna's brother Keith. She was in Vancouver.

Filial Responsibility - Judith Wahl
We weren't able to get in touch with Donna and Keith's mother, Shirley Anderson. But we did ask Don McLeod for his take on filial responsibility. He's a lawyer in Victoria who - up until last month - was representing Shirley Anderson.

There have been campaigns to scrap the laws that allow parents to sue their children for support. But Judith Wahl says there are good reasons to keep them. She is a lawyer and the Executive Director of the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly. She was in Toronto.
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发表于 2011-1-21 16:50 | 只看该作者
Post by montrealpost;2776367
小声问: 混什么呵?

混蛋 :confused: 混帐 :confused: 混球 文雅点 :rolleyes: ,混酱最好 。我吃火锅时 还是不知道如何处理那一大堆的酱料。

死啦!其实我没有什么特别东东可以说,没有秘密,没有香艳故事 。 。 。 。 。 。你先顶场,随便乱混行了。你乖 。 。 。 。 哦! :cool:
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-14 12:08 | 只看该作者


提到过 "豆腐干叔叔",就先说"豆腐干叔叔"吧。多么想念你啊!

没办法,叔叔文笔好,写的比人家画的更清晰更可爱!唯一的问题是 他对"有关身体的东东 :p " 更感兴趣,放太多盐花 :cool: 。他不是坏人啦,是的话,我们早早听到许多故事了。

盐花太多,儿童不宜,跳过不看就是,不要骂他嘛!同情他性苦闷哦 。现在他离开心浪网了 。 。 。 。 。 呜呜!
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