To zzjj;2778313:
"你提到的政府的drug insurance 是不是我们报税时魁省的表上的那个Schedule K: . . . " ==> 是的
" . . . . 因为都要交钱 .. . "==> yes [color="DarkRed"]+ no, $0 收入, 支付 $0; 高收入 要支付 ~$600/year.
已支付$ [color="DarkRed"]不等于 已登记
- call 1-8??-???-???? and confirm if you are registered, OR
- ask Pharmacist to check their system for u (if you are registered).
Then everything AUTOMATIC ==> everytime when u buy drug(s), pharmacist will ask u for net(净) $ (after: less monthly deductable, less plan pay %)
Each month, there is a deductable. Different deductable amount for elderly and adult. U pay the first $1? u spend on drugs, then u pay ??%(20-30%) of AUTHORIZED drugs.
(authorized = doctor's prescription + Drug plan allowED drug)
Details of RAMQ drug plan @ http://www.ramq.gouv.qc.ca/en/ci ... caments/index.shtml
We only use 10 Aspirins/year :p + 1 tube of Floride prescribed by Dentist. Only ~$12/tube/9 months, hence we never get any $. |