康大 ECE (电气工程) 研究生课程教材和参考书,很多。
没照片的都是复印书, 复印书一律 $10
1, ENGR 6141/4 Nonlinear Control, 非线性控制系统,两本
Nonlinear Systems, Hassan K. Khalil;
Applied Nonlinear Control,Jean-Jacques E. Slotine & Weiping Li
2, ELEC 481 / ENGR 6131 Linear Systems, 线性系统,一本
Modern Control Theory (3rd edition),William L. Brogan
3, ENGR 713/4 Adaptive Control, 自适应控制,三本
Adaptive Control (2nd edition),Karl Johan Astrom & Bjorn Wittenmark;
Adaptive Filtering,Paul Sergio Ramirez Dinizs;
Adaptive Filtering Prediction and Control, Garham C. Goodwin & Kwai Sang Sin
4, COEN 6331/4 Neural Networks, 神经网络,两本
Neural Networks,Simon Haykin;(这个还有一本中文翻译教材,如图)
Kalman Filtering and Neural Networks, Simon Haykin
5, ELEC 482/ENCS 6181 Optimal Control,最优控制,一本
Nonlinear Programming (2nd edition), Dimitri P. Bertsekas;
6, ELEC6851 Telecommunication networks, 通讯网络,一本
Communication Networks (Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures),
Alberto Leon-Garcia & Indra Widjaja
7, ENCS6161, Probability and stochastic processes, 概率论与随机过程,一本
Probability, random variables, and stochastic processes (4th edition)
Athanasios papoulis
8, 如图,原版影印,或翻译的中文教材, $10-$15
电力电子学, 带光盘,影印,英文;
Matlab原理与工程应用, 中文
有意者请联系, 514-9985251 Susan, 谢谢