Post by luckyluke;2840688
我上星期刚刚申请...net的网络服务时ADSL2+,预付了一年的钱,申请的时候和我说我可以拿到12-15m的网速,因为我在atwater附近住,又说无合约下载无限制,结果申请了上网上测速下载只有2.56M 上传只有0.31M。打到客服询问,说了诸多理由,最好笑的是说如果我想网速上来,叫我和我的房东说吧整个楼的网线换成新的就好了,笑了我半天。后来我要取消这个网络,结果派了个所谓的技术人员,说是下午3点到,结果快5点才来,在屋里查了查,说可能是楼下什么盒有什么问题,说要去检查但是房东下班了,查不了就走了,临走给了我个建议,要不就这样继续用,要不就cancel,他也没办法。在家越想越气,再打个客服说了我的情况,得到结果是,要不就是cancel要不他们再派人来看,但是要收我100块。结果一气之下取消了,但是要什么提前30天什么的还收了我10%的手续费说是毁约费。借着这几天还能上网,发个帖子把我的经历说给大家,提醒一下要申请网络的朋友一定要选好公司再给钱。 1.prepay yearly plan is one year contract;cancel service 1 month early notice;
2.the speed is vary,no guaranty;any dsl internet company such as that;
3.unlimited download and upload for normally use;
4.your problem is the line problem or installation problem;
5.Bell checking fee is min 100;you should pay that if the problem between the dmc point and your home;you don't have to pay that if Bell check and found the problem is before the dmc point;
6.DMC Charges: Diagnostic Maintenance Charges;If Bell determines the issue to be on the client's end they will be charged $87.80 for Bell's time.Normally Bell technician visit your home to find the problem,but the visiting is not necessary.
**A Bell tech does not need to be dispatched to incur a fee. They simply need to determine that the problem is on the client's end.**
The dmc charges will be charged for any client(no matter which company you use) once Bell determine that problem is on the client's end.
Sorry for the English,the Chinese input doesn't work now.
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