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研究显示 新移民遇溺风险高

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发表于 2011-7-13 23:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
研究显示 新移民遇溺风险高
New immigrants at higher risk of drowning: study

Paul Kwong can not swim. In fact, the 56-year-old is deathly afraid of the water, and always has been. When growing up in Hong Kong, his family never had enough money to send him to swimming lessons. And besides, pubic pools were scarce.

His lifelong wariness of anything aquatic is precisely why Kwong enrolled his two daughters in swimming lessons after settling his family in Ontario. Both girls were young - one was three; the other, four - when they first took to water.

现在十年已经过去了。邝的大女儿已经完成了红十字协会游泳课程,小女儿则拿到了“英勇铜十字章”(Bronze Cross),即将成为一名救生员。她们都非常喜爱水上运动,但是对于邝来说,送女儿去上游泳课并不是出于娱乐目的,而是出于安全因素。
That was around ten years ago. His older daughter has completed a Red Cross swim program. The younger one has her Bronze Cross and on her way to being a lifeguard. Both enjoy being in the water, but for Kwong, getting them swimming was not based on recreation. It was based on safety.

“It is live-saving issue,” says Kwong. “I can’t swim. I’m afraid of the water, so I thought putting them through (swimming lessons) would help them in life, so they would not experience that same fear.”

According to a recent study by the Lifesaving Society of Canada, new immigrants are four times more likely to be unable to swim. And those who have been in Canada fewer than five years are at a higher risk of drowning when swimming or boating.

The report states that while nearly 80 per cent of newcomers plan to be in or around water this summer, almost 20 per cent report they are unable to swim. Also, 31 per cent say they are “nervous” when around water, and half reported they are afraid of their children drowning while swimming.

For Chinese, specifically, the numbers are just as concerning: 16 per cent of the Chinese surveyed said they are unable to swim, 31 per cent are nervous when around water and 67 per cent fear their children drowning.

But despite the grim numbers, 92 per cent of both immigrants and Chinese believe learning to swim is a necessary skill, and around the same number feel children should receive swimming lessons as part of a school program.

Last Saturday, the lifeless body of a Chinese visa student was pulled from a lake in Alice Provincial Park in British Columbia. He died in hospital a short time later. It was reported he was on a class trip when he “encountered difficulty” while swimming with a friend.

据救生协会的Barbara Byers称,中国大陆和香港是最不注重水上安全和游泳课程的地区。她同时指出,这一点,再加上移民抵加后遭遇的有关水上安全的语言和文化障碍,使得华人移民遇溺的风险更高。
According to the Lifesaving Society’s Barbara Byers, mainland China and Hong Kong are at the top of the list for places that do not emphasize water safety and swimming lessons. She says this, combined with immigrants running into language and cultural barriers around water safety after they come to Canada, accounts for the higher drowning risk.

“许多移民来自并不注重水上安全和游泳课程的国家,” Byers指出,“除了缺乏技能,没有其他理由能够解释为什么他们的遇溺风险会更高。如果你不知道掌握游泳有多重要,你就不会去学游泳。”
“Many come from countries where water safety and swimming lessons are not emphasized,” she says. “There is no reason why they have a higher drowning risk, other than a lack of skill. If you don’t have any frame of reference to think it’s important, you don’t get involved.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates over 112,000 drowning deaths occur in China each year, half of which are children under age 15. The WHO states that the risk factors for drowning in China are “widespread,” and sites a separate study from 2004 estimating that 80 per cent of children in urban areas can not swim.

According to the state-controlled China Daily, five children were found dead in a pond in Zhejiang province back in February of this year, reportedly due to accidental drowning.

According to Byers, that lack of swimming savvy remains after coming to Canada.

“Newcomers to Canada often have different knowledge or experiences around issues of water safety,” said Byers in a statement after the release of the report’s findings.

“Without question, learning to swim is important for all Canadians. However, as the population continues to change…we need to make sure that we are doing our best to make our education and water safety prevention tools available to everyone.”

For this reason, a proactive approach has been taken to get new, school-age immigrant children confident in the water.

The Lifesaving Society’s Swim to Survive program now offers swimming literature in 28 different languages, including Chinese. Schools apply for funding for the program, lessons are done during school hours, and permission sheets and progress reports are sent to parents in the language spoken at home.

According to the Lifesaving Society, nearly 500 people die in water-related incidents in Canada every year. In 2006, the largest increase in drowning was among people aged 50 to 64, followed by those aged 18 to 34.

Also, in that same year, of all provinces and territories, Ontario accounted for the largest number of drowning deaths.

The Lifesaving Society states that 61 per cent of drowning deaths occur in “lakes, ponds, streams and waterfalls,” and that over half occur when people are engaged in water-related activities, such as swimming or boating. Drowning is also the second leading cause of preventable death in children under the age of 10.

July 17 to 24 is National Drowning Prevention Week.
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