楼主: 骗子周丹丹
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蒙城大骗子-粥 蛋蛋

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发表于 2004-6-15 14:17 | 只看该作者
...同情楼主,我也知道有个跟你类似遭遇的mm.., V# H' ]0 Q0 s) a

% }/ B+ v) B2 ]6 D) }1 ^4 t    才看到这里的帖子,楼上楼下的千万不要再相信这个人了,这人可能头两年还办过一些实事,去年开始就是纯粹在骗人了~:mad: 我的材料和签证也是给她石沉大海。大家多替她“宣传宣传”,让她再也做不下去。还有一起想个大快人心的修理她的办法
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发表于 2004-6-15 21:35 | 只看该作者


是不是在td银行二楼办公的那个?" }0 c  ]; Z( J6 m. w& V

2 O7 N4 h( G- n$ m# E) `# ~3 Z原来好象查过,她的名字不在那个律师协会的网上,所以根本就没有去找过,虽然在电话里她说的很好,说可以免费办理,只收政府必须收的手续费............
2 x$ k( v( w# r# J, A8 F
: |% o" p, A) g, R: O" `( [可是如果是受骗的人,可以去律师协会投诉她,这样她就不可以以律师名义再做生意了.....
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发表于 2004-6-16 08:54 | 只看该作者


1 切记:如果提供收费服务的人不是以下三个机构中任何一个机构的成员(成员名单可在其所属的机构中查到),那么,他/她是无权向移民局询问有关你的申请的任何进展情况的名字:- M2 _' _4 T+ }

1 p- z1 K- U/ `& k7 X+ ~              1)Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC)
; d/ x) B7 h9 U& ?& p0 d8 U              2)所属省/地区的律师协会4 H# l) f1 m( N* w1 G
              3)魁北克公正协会(Chambre des Notaires du Quebec)3 n- z1 l# @/ l4 Y

) T" U0 d4 f; I, L6 I6 [' c2 合法的提供收费服务的人应该让你填写并签字 IMM 5476 表(你一定要留复印件),移民局会进行核对。
- d& ~/ [+ m) _! i1 `3 ~: M
- n/ l( E" j: `$ @" S祝 大家好运!
Post by Berline " d5 r$ n' |" j1 L
是不是在td银行二楼办公的那个?  ]; K5 I, i* ^4 E9 A6 M8 V
5 F" a, X8 d) I0 a; J% h
2 G+ `2 h4 a5 X0 [2 ^- s, `7 } $ {4 B; Y2 H% Z1 ^! b6 ]5 w( f; T
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发表于 2004-6-16 13:31 | 只看该作者
Hi, Guys, which TD second floor you mentioned, I am international student, I do not want to be trapped by the bitch, please mention to me where the bitch is
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发表于 2004-6-17 08:48 | 只看该作者
Swear to God, she is by no means a lawyer in Quebec or other parts of Canada. Unauthorized practice of law is a serious offence and may be subject to criminal prosecution and civil penalty. She is very daring to cheat both the clients and the governments in this way. Lair lair pants on fire. She is going to be burned and screwed badly. Not worthy really for a young but greedy lady.) J6 g8 l$ G% v6 S) m: s; z5 \

( m" c6 u$ B* `! R$ SAlso I am wondering if some of the clients who went to seek her help have their own problems such as not meeting the study permit condition and will have difficulty in renewing their permits through normal means. Then they heard that Zhou was doing all kinds of fishy stuff to help them get what they wanted. Maybe that was why Zhou built her reputation among certain groups of international students in the first place. Now the problem is that Zhou does not even do what she promised to do after taking the money. So the complaint emerged here. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
" d3 _3 r8 @' d+ Q0 v8 q7 d1 `
9 V# ^5 |0 ]: c: YWe will see how the government is going to take care of the bad apple in the Chinese community. And hope those students can study hard and take care of their own affairs without looking for unlawful aids such as those provided by Zhou. For those who are just being cheated, sorry for you.
2 }. a9 d! F- V/ G
( j& z9 ]$ P; w' GGood luck everyone.
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发表于 2004-6-17 10:44 | 只看该作者
4 ?% Z0 y" n* T/ ]8 k8 ?, F, [ : z9 X% y8 g* F$ V3 }" K
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发表于 2004-6-17 11:49 | 只看该作者
911 is reserved for life-threatening or very emergent events. I would advise against using this avenue of resource for reporting the situation mentioned in this post. If there is no fraud that has been committed, and it remains a service contract dispute issue, one should go to the consumer protection agencies or related courts for remedy, or negotiate and settle with Zhou herself. If there is evidence that forgery and fraud have been involved, it should be reported to the appropriate government agencies such as MRCI and RCMP for further proceedings. # k7 J1 _+ N6 H; k
3 ~% f/ X6 `6 f; m- E
It is better not to utter death threat and reward here. Things should be worked out through the system in a democratic society. If there is something wrong, justice will be served soon or later. Please be patient and persistent. And most important of all, take good care of your own well-beings as much as possible now. Being an international student is not easy in many aspects. You should stand strong and unite and fight for your rights.
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发表于 2004-6-17 15:45 | 只看该作者
Post by bub
) t+ b3 d$ ]' z# v/ z" a8 i% `" q Hi, Guys, which TD second floor you mentioned, I am international student, I do not want to be trapped by the bitch, please mention to me where the bitch is
  V9 Q0 A( w  ?: L# `9 P2 O9 f1 K- i
    the TD near Guy-Concordia merto station.her office is in 1400(or 1410 i forgot..) second floor.tell ur friends what did that bitch do
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发表于 2004-6-17 23:11 | 只看该作者
見過她,明眼人一聼她説話就會明白她到底是做什麽的。 蒼蠅不叮無縫的蛋。也希望那些想靠非法途徑留在加拿大的人們為了自己的將來不要鋌而走險。
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发表于 2004-6-18 23:18 | 只看该作者


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