楼主: feifei3001
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[联谊] looking for a good man

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-28 15:56 | 只看该作者
You seem the good man we are looking for...
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发表于 2003-3-28 16:02 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-28 16:06 | 只看该作者
and I am trying to do sth for my nation now (struggle for the dignity of our Chinese against the injustice), I am serious, but not essential, just trivial.
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发表于 2003-3-28 16:08 | 只看该作者

Me? thank you. i hope i can be as good as what i have descibed, and i will try my best to do so.
but people actually have not so much different.

also, nice to know your ideas, i like it. i know you are intelligent from what you said.
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发表于 2003-3-28 16:10 | 只看该作者
"and I am trying to do sth for my nation now (struggle for the dignity of our Chinese against the injustice), I am serious, but not essential, just trivial."----feifei

Really? what's that? can i help you ?
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-28 16:13 | 只看该作者
I fully agree with you. But right now, just put it aside and stand for my struggle.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-28 16:23 | 只看该作者
Thanks for your support, you are really nice!
I will begin my struggle next Tuesday (actually, I will decide if I launch this struggle then, because once I start it...like the war) and during the journey, I need your suggestions. Don’t give me bad suggestions which would lead me to die uglily. seriously.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-28 20:30 | 只看该作者
What do you think your difference from other people? i make my statement later i promise.
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发表于 2003-3-28 21:16 | 只看该作者
hello feifei,

what do you mean " my difference"? you mean study? career? or personality? one must be crazy to post these here. ( you softheaded *_^)

send email to me and tell me what the details do you want.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-29 12:50 | 只看该作者

Sorry, forget about the question. I make my statement now as I promise you. It’s quite possible if sth don’t please because I don’t know you much and you know, different people have different opinions. At least, I am sure you’re very nice and warm-hearted and sure not sofheaded. Hope you can continue to support me.

To those who support me and teach me and make me feel warm in heart,

I feel obliged to make some statement (I hope it’s not final statement). But I am a little embarrassed for what I am going to say here because it is far beyond a satisfactory conclusion, and neither brilliant nor surprise. When we think of a good man, we normally think of, like some of our friends who post here has pointed out, a person either has a lot of money or has some kind of power. They are all reasonable but from my point of view, I would like to approach a good man by another way--to see what he is, not he has.
First of all he must be a softhearted (not “softheaded”) man. And he must has a clear mind, not being sympathetic to everything. (being sympathetic to  your enemy is being cruel to yourself — somebody) I hope I can find a good man with softhearted and a clear mind who can have a daily walk with me during all the rest of my life. (if we die at the age of 70, we have 40 years: the first 10 years for struggle: study, work, bring up child(ren); the second 10 years for contribution: use our knowledge, our skill, our experience, our money (if we have enough) etc. to do what we can do for others; the third 10 years: relax, enjoy life in other ways—travel (going wherever we can afford), go to cinema...; the last ten years, it depend: maybe unfortunately, one of us get sick and the other must take care of him/her...so we can read books or write small articles (if we can)...
I am 30/165/105lb. Good figure, average up looking, self-sufficient and self-confident. Looking for a suitable good man to make a family. Normally, you should be: 30-35 years old really mature or 35-45 reasonable; if you have been once married, it is better not more than once; if you have children, it is better not more that two (I like kids very much but I am too busy); other things like: it is possible for me to love you as my husband.
I don’t have much more too say right now. And I know it is difficult to introduce sb.and time you may find even you cannot know yourself very well. so,if you want to know some more information about me, I would like to post some articles about my life. Originally, I choose three of them about my childhood/my life in Toronto/my life in Montreal in Chinese/English/French.
I just want to say, I am serious. If you are serious, drop me a line at Lilypan007@yahoo.com. Thank you.
And I post one of the articles I choose here. I hope I haven’t taken you too much time.
Best wishes to every friend!

    婆最喜养的是一种黑白毛色相间的“麻猫儿”,这也是四川农村里最常见的猫。在我记事的时候,我家的那只猫已是一只成年的母猫。白天在家里屋外大摇大摆的走着晚上睡在隔壁“柴旮儿”里。她的叫声很轻,让你忍不住想摸摸她,你顺着它头摸下去的时候,她会眯起眼睛,扁起耳朵,抱在身上则会感到她腹部发出的“咕噜”声。冬天她怕冷,常缩在婆的围裙里——下面常有一只“火笼儿”,很暖和。她也有厉害的一面,喜欢捕鼠。我们住的是平房 (during ten-year-culture revolution, my parents, who are professors, were obliged to leave Chendu city and teach in a middle school in a county)  , 周围又是被农村包围,老鼠甚多。白天,她便在门角上磨爪子,天长日久,我家厨房兼客厅与卧室之间的那一道木门的方角已被她抓成圆角。夜里捕了鼠,照例拖到柴旮儿里,连毛带肚吃掉身子,头从不吃,是嫌其骨头太多还是留一点战利品以示炫耀呢,我不得而知。总之我们是怀着一点崇敬的心情用火钳数了、夹了那些鼠头去扔掉,记得最多一次捕鼠六只。




      大学时再度养猫,是从男生宿舍里“偷”来的一只小黄猫。它的表现更让我坚信猫儿也是有性格的。白天,我把它关在宿舍里,晚上睡觉时 ,她爬到我床上,一熄灯,我就只能“装死”,因为它在黑暗中见到什么东西动都是要扑的。有一次给它洗澡,它以为我们要淹它,用爪子抓着盆沿不放,后来是因为口渴,竟喝起洗澡水来,我们趁机用洗发精洗干净它,再用电吹风把它吹干。它先是躲避,后来经不起暖风的诱惑,竟眯着眼打起盹儿来。它从不认生,会长伸着身子在陌生人腿上睡大觉,我爹为此常呵斥它:“下去!非热!(四川话,意即热得很)”其语调却是亲切的——不是讨厌它,而是不喜欢这种亲热的方式罢了。
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