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大家小心 这个无懒的的女人!

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发表于 2011-9-23 13:38 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-9-23 16:33 | 只看该作者
Post by 蓝天里灿烂阳光;2966939
* T- h" Z- a1 y6 z I have to write this message to you, although you are unfriendly, wish you to be a nice woman who has right just sens in your heart.
' i: R# C1 r. s6 V0 \
$ x7 q# l6 w: N. hMy common sens  forces me to write this warn message to    Miss yiling, and to all frank warmhearted people in this website, + M3 T/ N1 n9 z4 H
I hope you to be smart to learn from my lesson and not make the same mistaken that I made in this website to become a victim only because of your honesty and kindness.
3 ^/ M' S9 V3 V5 m. v
6 L1 M. K  b! i; H, E) g% t( p, V------------------
: {4 J/ J& I2 ]7 e$ g' _If you are an honest warmhearted people, if you like to show up in this website and like to express your opinions, do be careful to protect your personal information. Do be careful to show your kindness before you really know the person whom you try to help.
' w3 J3 j% F; L/ q3 c' r
  S; e3 U0 o6 @This website is a dangerous and quite evil place, be careful to protect yourself (your personal information) to visit this website. $ M5 W6 }9 Q+ l( M% H

( L* R  S( G1 ]6 }4 [) Z% K  U  u
Really, dont think all people are nice and have common sens, many IDs  here ( ex. Mermaid. can be one) are just this website worker(s), post messages to appeal public  notic is their salary job, it might be related how much they can gain  if the messages can appeal many public notice. They may only value the  money and business profits without thinking  their  professional moral,  build up their profit on damaging your (or other  people's)  right. So, do be careful.
3 Q2 Z% m( c9 _6 {+ q5 \
  Dont be fooled and drop in their trap.
5 E6 l8 q4 J1 b; l" h+ Y# Z: c

* P( l: q1 {. X& y+ h0 z. J
* t3 M0 h3 F0 }. q7 Y! ]  Best wishes!( L$ `6 ?& b" j$ J+ w1 Q
9 e$ a8 J5 p* J, E) |1 n; U
ps. No many people are really interested in noticing or laughting at or abusing a normal good behavor stranger whom he or she never know and never meet, who can abuse a stranger if she never offend anybody. Will you abuse a stranger if she doesnt offend you?  
# a7 d- k7 y0 F0 }2 D9 N# n
, f- \  d' `0 |  lWho can reply a people's message very timely, just as he is your shadow, answer your message you just posted it, as your shadow? only the website worker can do this, because this is their full time job. Your every action is just under their eyes. They are shameless businessmen(he is shameless businessman).  I am not sure how many workers of this website have been involving in abusing me by their stupid judgment ability.
6 ^7 F! K- c$ ]* \2 s: a  C% i# u% |3 @: b4 G$ c: r4 q( |% l
Dont feel confuse and think if they are this website worker(s), how can they let me post this message. This is their trick to get your trust.
+ B7 `6 z( k3 X  e% E( k2 ~* {0 ^2 L- P4 D7 o4 K/ p7 H
Anyway, just be careful when you are in this website!
2 d) k) U, |% C( q: t; _
( w  i) S9 |+ J0 w$ L

$ o# Y# J5 k# Z9 `0 V0 H* I. O这女人写英文写得像汉语拼音一样流利,非常符合毛主席语录:好好学习,天天向上(Good good study, day day up)。大家帮忙给翻译一下,我查新华字典一个字都没找着???
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发表于 2011-9-23 16:56 | 只看该作者
哟,这女人跟yiling0320干上了。好,我们大家把蒙城赛马场给包下,让她们俩这个周末像角斗士一样决斗,杀个你死我活。我们大家在场外一边摇旗呐喊 ,一边喝啤酒吃烤肉,怎么样?有兴趣的朋友请打电话 (514)-735 2025
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发表于 2011-9-23 17:20 | 只看该作者
Post by 李大爷;2967156
- P2 K  D6 E" y9 j& S 哟,这女人跟yiling0320干上了。好,我们大家把蒙城赛马场给包下,让她们俩这个周末像角斗士一样决斗,杀个你死我活。我们大家在场外一边摇旗呐喊 ,一边喝啤酒吃烤肉,怎么样?有兴趣的朋友请打电话 (514)-735 2025
' A, R& O+ i& o; k9 Y
看在人家一个美女的份上,大老爷们就算了。" Q% e9 u; i7 G) v4 E3 m" S& }
我个人觉得,这场斗嘴,美女看似偃旗息鼓,实际上是以退为进,而且,美女似乎赢了。我老王不是因为好色才说这话的。' O6 E' w) v) t3 W9 Q
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发表于 2011-9-23 17:27 | 只看该作者
.  .4 h$ n" B' e/ G" w( J; a/ T! y
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发表于 2011-9-23 18:40 | 只看该作者
Post by 蓝天里灿烂阳光;2966939 + [- p' q% U/ b6 \# S
I have to write this message to you, although you are unfriendly, wish you to be a nice woman who has right just sens in your heart.7 O2 z7 w& c2 W. r( L5 K/ `$ k

+ q4 z7 D/ }# e& D5 R6 J9 mMy common sens  forces me to write this warn message to    Miss yiling, and to all frank warmhearted people in this website,
( Z: ]7 X- Z  |3 q4 v- rI hope you to be smart to learn from my lesson and not make the same mistaken that I made in this website to become a victim only because of your honesty and kindness. 7 e) U$ _6 B( \4 e' E
3 V, s6 h1 \" @, I: i  d7 [
% d* B- M% d6 b% i; n3 g$ \& \If you are an honest warmhearted people, if you like to show up in this website and like to express your opinions, do be careful to protect your personal information. Do be careful to show your kindness before you really know the person whom you try to help.% M2 @  `9 S- }* n

1 f; F2 f* M+ X8 J9 u! YThis website is a dangerous and quite evil place, be careful to protect yourself (your personal information) to visit this website.
0 Z  ~6 F+ k/ ~& |) b
3 o# X* E7 u0 n$ [5 `* @) F
Really, dont think all people are nice and have common sens, many IDs  here ( ex. Mermaid. can be one) are just this website worker(s), post messages to appeal public  notic is their salary job, it might be related how much they can gain  if the messages can appeal many public notice. They may only value the  money and business profits without thinking  their  professional moral,  build up their profit on damaging your (or other  people's)  right. So, do be careful.
4 n& w& I# D' G; j- p" e* k
  Dont be fooled and drop in their trap. + d( o! W) Z  \. y/ ~1 G) f
' L7 M  X. p( Z% E3 S: j, B
" a9 K# i: i6 A" I/ i; A: Z
  Best wishes!
& `; |0 G9 J; L- T& w
8 ^( v7 Z" |; ?# L" A4 @% y; t; S5 O0 gps. No many people are really interested in noticing or laughting at or abusing a normal good behavor stranger whom he or she never know and never meet, who can abuse a stranger if she never offend anybody. Will you abuse a stranger if she doesnt offend you?  
2 R5 P8 M8 G+ X
# K: H/ c8 O0 EWho can reply a people's message very timely, just as he is your shadow, answer your message you just posted it, as your shadow? only the website worker can do this, because this is their full time job. Your every action is just under their eyes. They are shameless businessmen(he is shameless businessman).  I am not sure how many workers of this website have been involving in abusing me by their stupid judgment ability.  _+ y* \$ o9 x+ D& @% C# q
+ ~+ _) {: ^+ P
Dont feel confuse and think if they are this website worker(s), how can they let me post this message. This is their trick to get your trust. 1 C, M) ^- Z# y
2 n9 j; e8 |  c7 g% O
Anyway, just be careful when you are in this website!
# e' D. x9 z8 D' z$ ~

2 G8 q* K& i. k' ~3 R9 m 5 [& y- f5 A8 q' a5 i+ d1 t; M
: c9 J. \! t( G: ]
太长了懒得看,看了也不读懂。就扫了最后一句,典型的中式英文" O. U$ {9 z/ H0 S0 e# w9 |

0 b7 S% W1 c* r- \1 }) o  F"be careful when you are in this website"
% u/ D) R1 Y; m" v% W! S$ ^/ a+ H直译就是:“在这个网站里的时候你要小心”6 z* O$ `* Q& q' Z  A# M9 `
, s8 m' [! w# H7 [3 c; d
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发表于 2011-9-23 18:43 | 只看该作者
Post by 李大爷;2967156
1 Z1 x+ e8 W7 G* q( M4 A( k 哟,这女人跟yiling0320干上了。好,我们大家把蒙城赛马场给包下,让她们俩这个周末像角斗士一样决斗,杀个你死我活。我们大家在场外一边摇旗呐喊 ,一边喝啤酒吃烤肉,怎么样?有兴趣的朋友请打电话 (514)-735 2025
% R0 U* u) @+ B% _1 ~
0 H- f& s  L  ?. L) `* L
电话打了没人接 你大爷没诚意啊 错了错了 是李大爷
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发表于 2011-9-23 19:02 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-9-23 19:31 | 只看该作者
Post by l.tc.w566;2967210
8 `! r$ A4 W) |6 S/ N 电话打了没人接 你大爷没诚意啊 错了错了 是李大爷
, U4 {1 |/ l' A6 m! f

/ z1 q+ V0 m+ L" s0 P' d$ ~你跟B8的妹妹一样撒无赖,明明没打偏要说打了,快打。
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发表于 2011-9-23 19:34 | 只看该作者
Post by mermaid.;2967227
+ R& E$ l7 K" m9 O4 o" Z8 a 美女真是高人。 美女, 你懂的, (不能明说, 不然没钱了。。。) 。 其实美女的英文真比俺好多了, 聪敏,善良,热心,高尚,我把您写的东西读了又读, 太喜欢了。 美女, 其实您写的东西可出一本书了。。。。 不说了, 俺又要换id为sino写贴字了。我love你。。。
4 E" X- ~6 F+ J  j8 y

) k; k! H# Z1 V9 U# {# M* m她还有啥personal information啊?姓名年龄长相全部被公布了,哦对了,还差住址和工作单位,要不谁找找,我们一起去见识一下本人?
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