Triple-A International Center of Culture and Sports![]()
Tel: (514)928-3933 (514)885-5360
I. 日期:2012年6月15日 – 6月17日。
I.1. 地点:College Jean-de-Brebeuf网球场
II. 赛制:2012年首届杯赛只设单打比赛,采用单淘汰制加安慰赛。
III. 分组及报名:
成人(18岁以上)按水平分组:A组: 3.5以上; B组:3.0及以下
IV. 规程:
IV.3.局内比分采用决胜分制,不计领先(no ad scoring),即平分(40:40)时,由接球方选择接发球区(左区或右区),一分决定胜负。进入半决赛后采用常规计分,计平分。
- 三佳保留对本规程的最终解释权,以及对本规程随时更新的权力。
The first Triple-A Tennis Championship
I. Purpose:
Promote an active and healthy lifestyle by creating the championship platform for all tennis lovers, especially those in Chinese community.
II. Matches and participants:
The first Triple-A Tennis Championship only sets for singles for both male and female players aged from 8 and above. In future years, doubles and mix doubles will be added. All players in the age group are encouraged to participate. Two levels/age groups will be scheduled for adults and juniors respectively:
Adult group is by level: Group A-3.5+; Group B-3.0-
Junior group is by age: Group A-13 – 17 years old; Group B-8 – 12 years old
Depending upon the number of registrations, the age group may be further down to 2 years per group, e.g. 8-9, 10-11, 12-14 and 15-17.
III. Dates, Time and Venue:
1. Dates: Friday June 15 to Sunday June 17, 2012
2. Venue: 3200 Cote-Ste-Catherine, Montreal (inside College Jean-de-Brebeuf)
IV. Rules, Scores and Officiating:
- Rules: the Triple-A Championship adopts tennis rules in general. The winners will have the opportunity to be invited by Li Na to attend 2012 Roger’s Cup to cheer for her from the court side
- Scores: Once reached semifinals, regular scoring system will be adopted (the best of 3 sets).
- For all matches before reaching semifinals, a short-set scoring system will be adopted. In this system, the player who wins 4 games first in a set wins the set. If the score reaches 4:4, a regular tie-breaker will be played to determine the results. A tie-breaker will also played when the score reaches 1:1 (set score);
- Officiating: umpire, line judges and (possibly) ball boys (girls) will be stationed for each semifinal and final matches. A floating umpire will be present for matches before reaching semifinals and self scoring will be adopted. The players will record and report the scores to the general umpire by the end of the match.
In year 2012, Triple-A will launch its culture exchange program in conjunction with Fly Experience. This program will bring Chinese high school students to Montreal and vice versa. Triple-A believes such exchange program will benefit the students for their lifetime
In case any complaint is filed during a match, the floating umpire will sit through for that particular match.