Post by Montreal0909;3069407
Non-Qualifying Childcare Expenses
Expenses that do not qualify for the refundable tax credit for childcare expenses include:
amounts paid to the child's father or mother
amounts paid to a person with whom you were living in a conjugal relationship
amounts paid to a person who was living with you and whose child, for whom the childcare expenses were paid, is an eligible child
amounts paid to a person under 18 who was related to you (or to a person with whom you were living in a conjugal relationship) by blood, marriage or adoption (except a nephew or niece)
amounts paid to a person for whom you (or a person who was living with you and whose child, for whom the childcare expenses were paid, is an eligible child) are claiming an amount on line 367
以上没有提到父母不可以啊? conjugal 是指配偶和同居关系,第4条指18岁以下。是否还有其他规定?谢谢 |