MONK队的活动时间是每个星期天下午5点到7点,地点是在RUE NOTRE-DAME WEST 与RUE COTE-ST-PAUL交界附近的一个社区体育馆里(地铁 PLACE SAINT-HENRI 转 BUS 36 )。
DBGZ队现正在参加 CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY 的室内联赛,时间是每个星期三晚上7点到11点之间,地点是在RUE SHERBROOKE WEST 的 LOYOLA 分校体育馆里(地铁 VENDOME 转 BUS 105 )。
It is too long to translate everything for you. The main thing about this post is talk about where we can find chinese ppl playing indoor soccer in Montreal. So if you want to join, ther are two ways:
1. send e-mail to
2. go to Concordia University downtown gym Sat night at 8:00--11:00