
标题: Concordia ESL Teacher's rate [打印本页]

作者: billt    时间: 2004-7-5 14:00
标题: Concordia ESL Teacher's rate
I am a student of concordia, since most Chinese students here all need to take ESL course, we can list here the teacher's list, and rate them:

As I know:

xxx Lee-killer teacher, some friend say he once only gave 2 B in one class, others are all below B.

Laura Cowan-Killler teacher, a really tough teacher, if you want a C or D, go to her class. And she is really bad to Chinese  students

XXX Barbala-Remember there are two barbala here, the full time lady is tough, a killer; the part time lady is nice

Jess Hunter-The top one nice guy in ESL teacher's group, most students say he is really nice and give most students good mark

F. Tatlow- a little weird teacher, but his course is easy and he gave good mark. Overall, he is a good teacher

N. Padden- A very strict teacher, but her lecture is excellent, some people say she is tough in marking, some people say she gave good mark for most students. No sure.

Here is what I know and what I heard, If you guys have opinions about them and other ESL teachers, welcome to add more.
作者: bguoz    时间: 2004-7-5 16:32
Rosalyn Hailpern --------killer, two B for the whole ESL207 Class

Evadne Anderson-------nice lady, scores for students have no big difference---average.
作者: todaystudent    时间: 2004-7-5 17:24
Chinlee --------209 killer, 4B in the whole class; others are below.
作者: bguoz    时间: 2004-7-5 18:09
who know Barbala Barclay is nice one or tough one?
作者: billt    时间: 2004-7-7 10:23
标题: Barbala
I know the lady whose name Barbala who taught 209 this summer season(may-June) is a tough one. You can check it in ESL course timetable.
作者: fcsce    时间: 2004-7-12 07:34
zelda, a middle aged woman whose lecture is not good and give marks strictly.
作者: chenru    时间: 2004-7-12 08:43
how about BUISSON Eric, a middle-age thin tall  man.
作者: 白雪幽紫    时间: 2004-7-13 05:23
how about him/her?thanks
I think he/she taught Esl 209
作者: teddybear    时间: 2004-7-13 09:34
Eric Buisson is a hybrid, whose mother and father are French and  Englishman respectively. He is a part time teacher in Concondia, and, in fact, he is from Uqam University.

He will not give students many assignments and students don't even need the textbook because he will prepare a lot of papers concerning the contents he will cover.

After a few classes, you will find out that he is just killing time. If you wanna learn something about English Writing, you'd better not choose his class. If not, you don't need to be afraid that he will give you a low mark. After all, he thinks that the ESL lessons are only games. The average mark is B+ in ESL 209 which I took last winter.
作者: NN    时间: 2004-7-13 11:18
mark lee ----killer, fail many
作者: fulilac    时间: 2004-7-13 20:04
标题: how about Ronald Proud?
各位请教:RONALD PROUD 怎么样啊?是不是也是个杀手?

顺带问一下,我选ESL课的时候,有几种SECTION供选择,Lecture, workshop etc. 它们有什么区别呢? 我最后选了workshop类的,不知道难不难?
作者: Gracema    时间: 2004-7-14 21:36
在Undergraduate Calendar的选课上面看不到哪个组是哪个老师教阿?如果碰巧选到了杀手可怎么办?
作者: sony min    时间: 2004-7-16 17:11
标题: Rehmer, Moira
Rehmer, Moira (ESL 209)
how about her?
作者: mikewolf    时间: 2004-7-17 16:09
J Krauel或者monika如何(207)?:frown:
作者: dsd    时间: 2004-7-18 19:37
标题: how about
linda gold, lecca doina and Zsolt  alapi, thanks
作者: Gracema    时间: 2004-7-19 22:21
Post by Gracema
在Undergraduate Calendar的选课上面看不到哪个组是哪个老师教阿?如果碰巧选到了杀手可怎么办?
作者: sarphyroth    时间: 2004-7-20 23:28
Zsolt alapi, nice man! average mark!!

Post by Gracema

作者: Gracema    时间: 2004-7-27 11:42
how about GHAN , ZELDA?
作者: wendyin    时间: 2004-7-27 13:18
作者: wxqjn    时间: 2004-7-29 15:06
Marina-ESL 209 Killer, only 3B- and two fails.
作者: oooking    时间: 2004-8-25 00:20
作者: zhangx    时间: 2004-12-9 14:06
标题: my experience

esl 207 Jerry is a very good teacher and give good grade.

esl 208 Ron Proud also is a good teacher.

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