魁北克民法典article 900, paragraph 1:Land, and any constructions and works of a permanent nature located thereon and anything forming an integral part thereof, are immovables. (当然这是在你的棚子是属于"construction" 或者 "works of permanent nature" 情况下,貌似重点在permanent nature...)。 还有魁北克民法典,article 903: Movables which are permanently physically attached or joined to an immovable without losing their individuality and without being incorporated with the immovable are immovables for as long as they remain there (如果棚子算"动产"的情况下).
个人建议……你不如打电话给本地法学院或者社区的legal information clinic 去咨询一下,他们能给你更详细的资料. 不过最近考试,很多法学院的clinic都停止了。