Post by viewer2000
线索:1。你住在Verdun。 2。你们在Atwater见过面。
Please don't lost sight of the original posting, 女孩子小心了!
Please be careful with words like 贱,浪,给中国人丢脸 . . . as a woman, I'd say . . . Girls, please don't be STUPID!!
Lauder, u are a good writer, why not writing something to warn thOse girls. I cannot type Chinese.
As for 关山飞渡, I just feel sorry for him. He must have some bad experience from somewhere. I hope either he'll change or he's not immigrant and don't/will not have any daughter. What would he do if his daughters go out with non-chinese . . .
一夜情,we call that lucky! DON'T and PLEASE don't jump into bed with any man. Then think about it 一夜=一夜, is that what u want? If u don't mind about that, please get paid for it!
Sister of a buddy, dumped her boyfriend, returned to Montreal ~28/29 yrs old, wanted to get marry and have babies. For about 1 year, she and her girlfriends went to Crescent to have fun on weekends, only brought money for taxi to go home after. Oh, their beers were taken care of, pretty girls. No, she has never gone to bed with anyone of those who took care of their drinks.
When I lived in downtown, 939-####, some easy phone number. Average once a month, I would get a guy's call looking for Mary/??. I was used to it and asked "which bar has u gone?"
chinese men, when you look for chinese girls here, do through investigation. if the girl has ever served time with non-chinese men, should wear condom to pretect you from HIV or STD.
Post by montrealpost
Please don't lost sight of the original posting, 女孩子小心了!
Please be careful with words like 贱,浪,给中国人丢脸 . . . as a woman, I'd say . . . Girls, please don't be STUPID!!
Lauder, u are a good writer, why not writing something to warn thOse girls. I cannot type Chinese.
As for 关山飞渡, I just feel sorry for him. He must have some bad experience from somewhere. I hope either he'll change or he's not immigrant and don't/will not have any daughter. What would he do if his daughters go out with non-chinese . . .
Post by 关山飞渡
。。。。当我知道你要远离我而去,我的心中忽然有了一点的伤感 。。。。你是我的目标,你一走 。。。。
你别走,漫漫长夜人寂寞 。。。。
WOW! Thought u have great potential but didn't expect something this good!! U can get paid too . . . writing love letters. Let's hope u won't be stucked with a real 皮条大妈, want to consider Lauder's idea on 多积德?
High energy . . . . how about volunteering in Chinese Family? Assoc, tones of cute girls there. U enjoy being vicious . . . . Sun Youth, centre of all volunteering opportunities, u can find chanceS to poison "bad people".
Little old lady needs to continue with ?花?草, the real ones in my garden. Yanne's right on 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。我种,我种,我种种 。。。