月初因为工作原因relocate到蒙特利尔,公司提供了一个relocation package,其中有一项是帮忙在蒙特利尔找房子,这个人叫Anita.(我到昨天发生纠纷的时候才知道这个帮我办RAMQ卡,帮我看房子,帮我去换魁北克驾照的Anita本身就是个broker.)。看了几个后,上周和其中一个房东通过Anita签了个promise to lease (房东本人这个月还住在房子里,29号才能粉刷,定的是30号签lease)。但现在我因为一些原因不想租这个房子了,Anita说在魁北克,promise to lease就是lease,不管我签不签最终的lease。她说现在即使我不签lease,不搬进去,房东和他的broker会上法庭告我,我肯定会输,到时候我不仅要赔偿broker的remuneration,还要给房东付一年的房租,即使我不付,法院也会直接强制执行,直接从我工资里扣。她说这些都写在promise to lease的合同条款里的,具体如下(LESSEE 是我,LESSOR是房东):
5 Declarations and obligations of the lessee:
Damage- In the event that no lease is sighed for the premises through the LESSEE's fault, the LESSEE undertakes to compensate directly the agency or the broker, bound to the LESSOR by brokerage, in accordance with the ordinary rules of law,the paying damages equal to the remuneration that the LESSOR would otherwise have had to pay.
12 Conditions of acceptance:
the LESSEE and the LESSOR declare that their consent is not the result of any representation or condition not contained herein. The LESSEE is irrevocably committed until 12:00,on June 18 2013. If the LESSOR accepts this promise to lease, within this deadline, it shall constitute a contract that is legally binding on the LESSEE and the
LESSOR until proper and full execution. If the LESSOR does not accept it, within this deadline, this promise to lease shall become null and void. A refusal be the LESSOR shall render this promise to lease null and void. A counter-proposal by the LESSOR shall have the same effect as a refusal .
现在我最想知道的是,这两条协议是不是真的是指如果我最后没有住进去,我不仅要赔偿中介的佣金,还要付房租一年的房租?如果真的要上法庭的话,我现在应该做什么准备?协议里写的是lease要在6月29号之前签,现在Anita和我定的是周日。Anita和房东现在只是一直和我拖延时间,Anita说房东和他的broker还不知道我不愿意签协议的这件事,让我自己和房东谈,但是我晚上一直给房东打电话,每次都是语音,而且我一说我的名字对方就挂断了。现在很焦急也很无助,希望有听说过类似事的或者懂法语的朋友能指点一二。万分感谢! |