To 忏悔的撒旦,
After I read a few posting of yours, I start to understand you better. But I can't help to say that from what you said, I guess that is not love. You don't love them at all. It is just a kind of enjoying the beautiful things in your life. Maybe you just start to notice how colorful and wonderful the beautiful girls are.
When I was at your age, I had the exact feeling with you. Thank God HE created women as men's life partners and HE made them so charming that men have to fall in love with them. These beauties are so gorgeous that men can't resist.
I say to myself very often the word "Wow/Yahoo/Bravo" when I see/meet beautiful girls. This is the natural reaction man should have. In other word, men are made to do that and women are made to be attractive to men.
I really admire your ability to express your feeling toward them. You are a good writer. You are appreciated that you use Chinese words to show us your feelings.
Not bad at all, man.
I heard a lot English speaking people gave advice to their friends about love issue. They use the very common words. They say:
"You do not need to think about it, you just do it!!!" . |