Post by billc;3316568 / M9 g8 o) |: l& E
听说工作5年可以有3周带薪假,请问是从满5年开始,还是弚6年才开始 3 M! A4 ~* Z3 v2 @/ `
: E4 {* }' T& K! nwww.cnt.gouv.qc.ca3 z9 Y2 w f" v9 _ n% N4 i
; r, z! s$ s5 k3 x9 Y0 J, x% s& m8 K
<TABLE style="WIDTH: 100%" class="htmlarea-showtableborders tableauNormal" summary="This table presents information about the length of annual leave and the amount of the related indemnity. Each line shows the employee’s period of uninterrupted service, the length of leave and the percentage of the related indemnity. "><TBODY><TR class=impair><TD headers=service>Less than one year
# d7 w, g0 I f+ g3 `</TD><TD headers=duree>1 day per full month of uninterrupted service
9 k$ V3 b x3 \. g* Mwithout exceeding 2 weeks" @- b( Y. I# u
</TD><TD headers=indemnite>4 %
( H/ a" O' f* J: e+ M9 ~# Q2 s</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>5 n. I! s" O# W+ k8 ~3 E( a4 {
<TABLE style="WIDTH: 100%" class="htmlarea-showtableborders tableauNormal" summary="This table presents information about the length of annual leave and the amount of the related indemnity. Each line shows the employee’s period of uninterrupted service, the length of leave and the percentage of the related indemnity. "><TBODY><TR><TD headers=service>1 year to less than 5 years, N2 x( Y$ w* f
</TD><TD headers=duree>2 uninterrupted weeks2 g5 U- V$ r: r" t8 q- s
</TD><TD headers=indemnite>4 %' Z% O$ E, `4 `
</TD></TR><TR class=impair><TD headers=service>5 years and over
0 J _: A0 U( O) J8 [</TD><TD headers=duree>3 uninterrupted weeks$ A/ q& ]) \7 }1 P u) Y* E
</TD><TD headers=indemnite>6 %
; N% y- n+ X& _# D9 p% Z$ r</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> |