Hey guys!
How do u feel after our big trip! alive and kicking? I believe so! You are top! I am aching all over today but feel so proud!(but I don`t want to touch my bike for at least one week then, my butt is still hurting :p ) This is absolutely a 5 star adventure! can`t miss it!
Hi, Helen, so bad we lost you, i knew you must be fast and ahead us, we took our time, enjoying the lanscape on the road and all the apples and cheese and milk and icecream ( the bad result is all these stuff started fighting in my stomach later). Hope to pick up the contact with you! my e-mail is zqzw@hotmail.com
You guys can go to check our photo here on their websit,to log in, the first name is Zoé, last name Zhao
Keep in contact! Very nice meeting all of you, my brave and strong pals! On làche jamais! |