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发表于 2014-2-2 10:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
只限2013-2014财年, 房东们 得抓紧时间哦!

Tax Credit for Eco-Friendly Home Renovation (EcoRenov)

You can claim the tax credit for eco-friendly home renovation only for the [color="red"]2013 and 2014 taxation years. You must claim it when you file your income tax return.
This new refundable tax credit has been implemented on a[color="red"] temporary basis to encourage individuals, be they owners or co-owners of a dwelling, to have eco-friendly renovation work done on their principal residence or cottage (provided the latter is suitable for year-round occupancy).

To qualify for the tax credit, the renovation work must have been done by a qualified contractor under a contract entered into after October 7, 2013, and before November 1, 2014. In addition, the work must have a positive environmental impact or improve the dwelling's energy efficiency, and the materials and appliances involved must meet recognized environmental and energy standards.

The amount of the tax credit corresponds to 20% of the portion of an individual's eligible expenses that exceeds $2,500, up to a maximum tax credit of $10,000 per eligible dwelling.  

If you are the co-owner of an eligible dwelling, you can split the amount of the tax credit with the other co-owner(s); however, the total amount claimed in respect of the dwelling cannot exceed $10,000.

For more information on the types of eco-friendly renovation work that qualify for the credit, see Recognized Eco-Friendly Renovation Work.

K&S仁信财务  会计和报税: service creates values! 438-876-7218     10 年加拿大个人税和公司税经验   善于处理疑难税务问题  协助公司成立 个人中小型公司会计和报税服务。brucetax88@gmail.com   蒙城税务交流群 334046054 微信:brucekuang0519 电子报税,可以提供远程报税服务
发表于 2014-2-2 10:37 | 只看该作者
这些装修必须和有关环保,节能,例如用太阳能材料,环保可回收材料等,符合这些标准的装修才可以抵税。看看这些eco-friendly home,
蒙城小曹 514-581-2231,Financial Security Advisor,微信号:mcxc16。服务范围:1,投资:RRSP养老基金,RESP教育基金等;保险:人寿,重病,旅游(含超级签证);2,个人报税14年经验,往年报税错误调整(最多10年);3,个人税及福利咨询,新移民牛奶金,消费退税申请;4,宣誓师true copy服务。请在上午9点到晚上9点来电。谢谢!
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发表于 2014-2-4 10:13 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-27 23:35 | 只看该作者
记得以前联邦曾经有过装修房子的抵税额度,现在没有了。看来大家得抓住魁省的这次机会啊, 机会过了就没有了。
K&S仁信财务  会计和报税: service creates values! 438-876-7218     10 年加拿大个人税和公司税经验   善于处理疑难税务问题  协助公司成立 个人中小型公司会计和报税服务。brucetax88@gmail.com   蒙城税务交流群 334046054 微信:brucekuang0519 电子报税,可以提供远程报税服务
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