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[联谊] 好电影逐个数,逐个看?

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发表于 2002-10-12 22:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
记得几个月前这里有人讨论新上映的电影。但有关帖子早被冲跑了。俺也是个电影迷,尤其喜欢动作片,惊险片,喜剧片,战争片和科幻片等。希望在此和广大影迷讨论新上映的片子,互相推荐好的供其他人选择。我最近看了XXX,Ballistic (E vs S),Tuxedo和Swim Fan等。下一步准备看Trapped和The Transporter。不知道哪位知道还有什么其他好片子。
发表于 2002-10-13 00:19 | 只看该作者
Red Dragen is super!!!
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发表于 2002-10-13 00:20 | 只看该作者
yesterday I saw "spirit away". very good made cartoon.
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 楼主| 发表于 2002-10-13 08:59 | 只看该作者
I forgot to mention Red Dragon,which many people think is as good as the famous Oscar suspense movie,"Lamb of Silence". Yes,it is a must-see horror and suspense/mystery movie,thought maybe not funny. I will see it instead of Trapped next Tus. Spirit Away is also a good Cartoon which reminds us of Atlantic. But I wouldn't choose to see cartoon movie often in theatre instead of at home.   :rolleyes:    :rolleyes:    :rolleyes:
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发表于 2002-10-13 16:31 | 只看该作者
to downstairs:
u can check www.cinemamontreal.com, so many people give this cartoon movie 10/10! Amazing. It's also a disney's presentation.
Red dragon? Your choice. I dont dare to see it, otherwise I am unable to eat anything...  :p
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发表于 2002-10-13 16:41 | 只看该作者
沈阳球迷: WHY only at home?

Read this comment to "spirited away":

This is way beyond masterpiece, it's the most spectular film in the history of films. When you watch this film, you forget that you're watching animation, it's the animation that brought the characters to life vividly in front of our eyes. It's not only a film to watch, but a art to please your viewing pleasure. Every framework of its picture contains blood and soul. It's definitely a Oscar worthy picture of the year for best animation award or maybe the first feature animation for best picture of the year 2003.
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发表于 2002-10-13 16:49 | 只看该作者
Hi, there

I heard that there are free-charge movies here. Who can give me some information?

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 楼主| 发表于 2002-10-13 17:09 | 只看该作者
I visit www.cinemamontreal.com every time before choosing a movie to see and a cinema to go to. Regarding animation movies,I always feel they are unreal,though the pictures are really impressing,because they are acted by no-human,in my opinion.
Yes,a lot of SOFT people don't like horror movies such as Red Dragon and Evil Residence. It's upon different tastes.
For free movies, you can get information from weekly Chinese newspaper and hours/mirror English papers. You just need to send a email to a given email address and MIGHT get two free tickets if you are lucky ENOUGH. I just tried once before and was unlucky. I gave up then. Good luck for you.         
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发表于 2002-10-13 17:21 | 只看该作者
Thanks a lot, football fan.(sorry that i can't type in Chinese)

Which Chinese newspaper do you recommend? Meng Cheng Hua Ren Bao?
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 楼主| 发表于 2002-10-13 18:42 | 只看该作者
Meng Cheng Hua Ren Bao,或者免费,或者花10分可买此报。有的时候还可以按报纸指定的时间和地点去某处排队领取免费电影票,这俺可没试过。
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