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[移民] 新年伊始,请抽出5分钟, 与成千上万的华人一起共襄善举,在...

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发表于 2016-2-14 20:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
新年伊始,请抽出5分钟, 与成千上万的华人一起共襄善举,在为父母担保的家庭请愿书上签字并转发到朋友圈,以便让你身边的亲友如法炮制.为他人谋幸福,就是为自己和家人积福.
恰逢今日为情人节,如此献出一点爱心,让所有在加华人都能感受爱的温暖.到请愿书上签字请点击链接: https://www.change.org/p/letter-to-hon-justin-trudeau-prime-minister-petition-for-immediate-cap-removal-fastening-processing-of-parental-sponsorships  .


祝愿各位新年快乐,家庭幸福! 徐进
:有任何问题请联络本人cjx9457198@gmail.com. 或者威信: lachance001

关于立即取消父母担保限额 & 缩短审理时间之请愿
赞赏你履行大选时的诺言,将父母/祖父母担保年限额从5000 增加至10,000;
1.      前政府施行的父母/祖父母担保项目的暂停,尔后每年设收取申请上限,十分著名,一直以来在严重玷污加拿大人道同情的传统. 以求”经济发展”为由而牺牲数十万移民家庭的团聚是不人道的行为;
2.      2016年5000 个年申请上限,后来由您和您的政府增加至10,000个申请,证明是远远不够的.根据报道,CPCM(移民部密西沙加案件处理中心)仅在新年第一周便收到14,000份申请,让4000 甚至更多的家庭与他们的父母/祖父母失望之至,为时起码一年,在移民中形成一个恶性循环,而他们与其他移民一样对加拿大做着贡献.
3.      更有甚者, 那些”幸运”成功将申请挤入上限的担保人的父母担保(包括上限设置前的)申请的处理时间,由前一任政府刻意延长,等待时间超过4年或者以上. 如此漫长的等待见证了许多家庭失去一个,有的甚至两个老人,剥夺了移民家庭其应得并及时享受家庭团聚的生活.
A.     取消接受父母/祖父母担保申请的年上限,恢复正常接受此类申请. 那样, 担保父母/祖父母的家庭就可以确定,只要他们符合申请要求,他们的长辈早晚会与他们在加拿大团聚, 而不是当成”猴子”,首先要紧张地关注他们的申请能否及时为CPCM接收;
B.     缩短CPCM及海外使领馆签证处的处理时间. 目前海外处理配偶担保的总时间在12个月左右,父母/祖父母担保的申请的处理时间可以花费24个月, 那是可以理解的.在前政府之前,大致情况就是那样.也就是说, 移民部有可能恢复已往审理时间甚至能够做得更好.再长的延缓就会给移民及其家人带来痛苦,不可接受,难以忍受的痛苦.
尊敬的总理先生, 我们去年给你和你的政府投了选票,部分是由于你的亲民思想,你的家庭价值观,而前政府被选掉了,部分是因为其牺牲了移民及其家人的根本利益.
尊敬的总理先生, 在2015年令人难忘的大选中,您倾听了呼声,做出了变革的承诺,就职后在十分光荣地履行这些承诺. 我们坚信,此次您会及时反应,将父母/祖父母申请项目中让人不齿的上限和悠长的耻辱成为历史.
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(English version)
Letter to Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister
Petition for Immediate Cap Removal & Fastening Processing ofParental Sponsorships
Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister,
                We, oldand new immigrants in Canada,  
hail you for yourkeeping of the election promise of increasing the famous annual cap of5000  to 10,000 parents / grandparentssponsorship applications;
hail you for yourcelebrating the Chinese Spring Festival in traditional Tang-style coat, a signof recognition of the immigrants and their families;
hail you for yourefforts to build a stronger and more harmonious Canada.
                However,we wish to draw your attention to the following:
1.      The well-known suspension, then the annual capof the parents / grandparents sponsorship program, imposed by the formergovernment, has been composing a serious insult of the Canadian humanitarianand compassionate tradition, as it is something inhuman to aim at “economicgrowth” at the cost of sacrificing family reunions of hundreds and thousands ofimmigrant families;
2.      The 2016 5,000 application yearly cap, thenincreased to 10,000 by you and your government, turns out to be far fromenough, as 14,000 sponsorship applications were reportedly received by the CaseProcession Centre in Mississauga in the first week only of the New Year,leaving 4,000 or even much more families and their parents or grandparentsdeeply disappointed, for at least another year, constituting a vicious cycleamong the immigrant families who do not make less contributions to the buildingof Canada;
3.                  Moreover, the processing time for the parentalsponsorship applications of the “lucky” sponsors who ended in squeezing intothe cap or even before the cap imposition, was deliberately slowed down by theprevious government, making the wait longer than 4 or even more years. And thatwait has witnessed quite some families which lost one or even two deaths ofparents or grandparents, depriving the immigrant families the deserved andtimely enjoyment of reunited family life.
                Withoutreintegrating the altruisms of significances of family, family values andfamily reunifications in Canada, we hereby petition that you and yourgovernment immediately make the following changes:
A.     Lifting the annual cap of parent / grandparentsponsorship applications and restoring the regular reception of sponsorshipapplications. That way, the sponsoring families know for sure that theirparents / grandparents can join them in Canada sooner or later,  as long as they meet the selection criteria,instead of being made like “monkeys” worrying first about rushing theirapplications received by CPC Mississauga in a timely manner;
B.     Shortening the processing time of parentalsponsorship application first by CPC Mississauga, then by overseas visaoffices. Now the overseas spousal sponsorships take CIC around 12 months intotal, and parental sponsorships could understandably take up to 24 months. Itwas something like that before the former government, meaning, it is possiblefor Immigration Canada to do the same or even better. Longer delays would causepains in immigrants and their families, unacceptable and intolerable ones.
Honorable Prime Minister, last yearwe voted for you and your government because of, among other things, yourpatriotism, and your family value, while the former government was voted outpartly because of its sacrifice of the fundamental interests of the immigrantsand their families.
Honorable Prime Minister, duringthe unforgettable 2015 election, you listened, promised for changes, and youhave been honorably and decently reacted after taking the office. It is ourfirm belief that you react promptly this time, making the shameful cap andlengthy delay in parental sponsorships a history.
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发表于 2016-2-15 13:24 | 只看该作者
don't act like beggars.
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