if you are not 35 or older, in most cases, it should be OK to have your first pregnancy exam.
if you really concern, you may directly go to a local CLSC and you will be assigned a doctor to have your exam soon.
Multivitamin is not necessary. While milk, fresh fruits & vegetables are necessary. Most important, it is your healthy living style.
和蔼可亲的帅叔医生让我任何一个早晨7点钟去我们附近的大医院(翻译成中文叫瓦当中心医院),不用预约,不用交钱。主要是blood test 和 urine sample。当时他解释给我,检查的每一项内容,嘿嘿~~~法语,一个没有听懂,反正无所谓了……然后,结果会送到他这里,让我再到秘书那里预约下一次的时间。